Bus ride.

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At this point I was extremely late so running was my only option. Once I finally reached my bus stop a few blocks from my house, I was out of breath. Korin, one of the blonde cheerleaders that bullied me since the third grade,made her first snotty remark of the day. "Late once again Useless Emo," I glanced at her, but didn't say anything because I knew that's not all she had to say ",what to busy cutting yourself to be on time?" She finishes as the bus pulls up.
By this time I finally caught enough air to let out the words "Save it Korin, I'm not in the mood." I say pushing her aside to get on the bus. "Charles! Jade pushed me!" Charles was our 50 year year old African American bus driver, Who hated Korin as much as I did. He couldn't show it or he could lose his job. Charles was used to Korin and her drama, but he wrote me up anyway because Korin would report it to the school and he'd get in trouble for not doing anything about it. He handed me the ticket and gave me an apologetic look indicating he didn't want to have to. I took my usual seat in the back of the bus. I sit in the back because in the sixth grade a boy sat behind me and stuck a piece of bubble gum in my hair. The nurse had to cut it out and let's just say until the middle of seventh grade people called me Baldy And Minty.

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