Chapter 1

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*Harry's POV*


"Ugghhh!" I grumbled sitting up in bed, my mop of curls bouncing on my head.

I hurried and stopped the beeping coming from my alarm clock. Standing up from my bed, I rushed to the bathroom. Took a shower, brushed my teeth, didn't really bother with my hair. I opened the door and walked out, walking over to my closet I picked my phone up.

From: Mom

Sorry hunny, me and your father have to stay an extra week. I hope you understand. I'll call you after school, love you!

I threw my phone on my bed and continued my walk to the closet. They are never home, always on 'Business trips, or any other place they would like to go that I'm not with them.

I got dressed in my black skinny jeans with a white shirt covered by a black jacket, and walked downstairs. It was already 7:00 which meant I had 30 if I wanted to be on time. I grabbed an my keys and walked out of the door and locked it. I got in my black range rover, my parents got me when I got my license, and started driving the route to Starbucks.


"Have a nice day!" The lady behind the counter said handing me my drink.

"Yeah. You to" I mumbled back.

I walked to the table in the corner where nobody sits, which is why I liked it. As I sat down I heard someone else ordering, I looked up and saw a guy that I have seen somewhere. I was trying to figure out where I have seen him before but I couldn't remember, I looked back up to get a better look at the guys face when I lifted my head he was already looking at me. I smiled as he walked closer to me.

"Hello." He said a little shyly. His voice, it was indescribable.

"Hey." I said taking a drink of my, now not so hot, coffee.

"This is usually where I sit." He said pointing to where I sat.

"Yeah, this is where I usually sit to." I stated.

"Oh Kay then." He said looking around. "I will just find a different place to sit."

"I'm Harry." I said before he started walking away.

"I'm Louis." He said walking away and sitting at a different table.

"Louis." I repeated back to myself.

It was about 7:15 whenever i got here, It was now 7:30, I'm going to be late. Like always, just another day in detention. Nothing bad about that. I stood up, grabbed my cup and walked out of the door. Stepping outside, the cool air hitting my face, I walked to my car and opened the door. As I sat in my seat I turned the radio up loud and started down the street. The school was only about 10 minutes away. Stopping at a red light, my phone started ringing. I didn't know the number so I declined it.

*At school*

"Hey man!" My friend Scott yelled running over to where I stood.

"Hey." I said back just as the bell signaling 1st period sounded.

"I'll talk to you later I guess." He said turning the opposite way.

For 1st period I had Health, I walked into the classroom last.

"Mr. Styles, would you like to tell us all why your late?" Mrs. Cook asked me.

"No I would not." I replied taking a seat in the back.

A couple people chuckled, some smiled, others couldn't care what was happening.

"Would you like a detention?" She asked, not so amused.

"I've already got one, but thanks anyways." I said sitting back in my seat.

I found myself drifting off while she started talking.

"Today we will be learning about how the body syst- Mr. Styles keep your eyes open." Mrs. Cook scolded me.

I opened my eyes but only until she turned around then they went back shut.

"Mr. Styles, if I have to say it again I am going to send you to the principals office." She said making sure my eyes were open and I was listening. "Now, since Mr. Styles probably has no idea about anything I have just said would any of you care to go over it again?" She asked the rest of the class.

Everybody looked around then looked at me.

"I would do it, but I don't even know what it is myself." Sidney said. She never pays attention and she isn't to bright either.

Even though I don't pay attention, I still know what's going on.

"Anyone?" Mrs. Cook asked looking around. After no one said anything she spoke again, "If no one is willing to do it then I will pick someone."

"I'll do it." A girl I have never seen before said.

She had blonde hair that came to her shoulders, she wasn't very tall. She was wearing dark jeans and a red shirt with the words 'Your Love is my Drug' printed on the front of it.

"Alright Madelyn." She said, to who I assumed was, Madelyn. "Body System, nothing else. You got that Mr. Styles?"

"Yeah, yeah." I replied in a dull tone.

As Madelyn started explaining about the Body System I started to get bored because I already knew all of this.

"Is there any work we have to do or do we just read this? Because I already know all this." I interrupted her.

"We just have to read." She replied.

"Okay, well you can save your breath because I already know this. Not trying to be rude or anything. Sorry." I said looking at her.

"It's fine. I guess I'll just go back to my seat now then." She said gathering her things and walking off.

Not to long after that the bell rang signaling the end of 1st period. Walking out of the health room I turned right. My 2nd period is gym, the class I skip. I walked to the janitors closet, the place where everyone goes if you want to skip class. The janitors have never cared. Scott and a couple other people usually skip 2nd period and go to the janitors closet to hang out. None of the teachers cared to make us go to class so we never got in trouble.

"So what's new?" Some guy asked no one in particular.

"Sam and Miranda are dating." Another guy said.

"I thought they hated each other." Scott said.

"So did everyone else. But apparently not." The guy said back.

One of the janitors walked in, grabbed a mop, and walked back out. Like I said, they don't care.

*Louis POV*

"Can anyone tell me the answer to this?" The math teacher, Mr. Sims, asked pointing to the problem on the board behind him.

I raised my hand.

"Yes Mr. Tomlinson." He spoke to me.

"The answer to that is 3,542." I replied.

"That is correct." He said turning around to erase the problem that was on the board.

"Since there is only five more minutes of class, you can talk or do what ever you want for the remander of class." The words fell out of his mouth as he picked up his phone and sat back in his seat.

"Hey. Tomlinson. I got something for you." The star football player, Chad, said walking over to me with his homework in hand. "Here. I need it done by 5th period."

Throwing the papers down on my desk, he walked away with his friends and I started reading the extra homework I would be doing. Glancing at the clock, it was time for the bell to ring so I hurried and packed my stuff up ready to leave for History class with Mr. Pickens. I walked out of the room and accedently ran into someone.

"Sorry, I'm so sorry." I apologized to the person.

"Don't worry about it. You hurt yourself more than you did me." The person said. "Hey I know you. Louis, is it?"

"Yeah. And your Harry right?" I asked, Of course i remembered his name. Who wouldn't? He's gorgeous!

"Yeah." Harry said looking at me.

Nobody said anything, we just stood and stared at each other for, what seemed like eternity, but it was only a few seconds. It seemed like nobody else was around, it was just us two.

"So I'll see you around?" Harry said smiling, showing off his dimples.

"Yeah." I said walking to History class, not wanting to be late.

I was the first one in the room so I took a seat in the front to the very left. The next kid that came in sat three seats behind me. Then people started coming through the door in groups, Mr. Pickens came in before the last group of kids.

"Shhh, quiet down." Mr. Pickens said trying his best to quiet the loud kids down.

After everyone finally became quiet, he began the lesson about the Civil War.

"We are just reviewing, you guys should already know this." He said opening his book. "Now, open your books to page 365."

I opened my book and began listening as Mr. Pickens scanned over different paragraphs out of the book.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2013 ⏰

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