
7 2 2

It was the red in you that drew me near - 

The red of love and passion, nothing to fear.

Your yellow aura kept me close,

So cheery, vibrant - like a little girl's bows.

Soon you won me over with the color blue - 

Trust and loyalty reserved for us two.

Then other colors popped in sight:

Orange, green, and violet delight.

It was a rainbow swirl of color,

But in a blink, everything went sinister.

Suddenly it was the anger of red, a toxic yellow, and blue like arctic waters.

No chance of escape from this poisonous curse.

The colors were too much that it all turned black,

And that's when I knew - there was no going back.

Try as I might to break free from the shadows,

Forever lost will be the purity of that rose.

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