Saying Goodbye

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Sighing, I tried to ignore the heavy weight hanging in my chest. A deep, unexplainable sadness hung onto my very bones and made me drag my feet down the hallway. But, I needed to be happy; I had a party starting in less than an hour, and everything had to be perfect. I knew that they would all love it regardless of whether it met my standards or not, but I guess that's my OCD coming into play. Besides, this party was about my friends, not me. It was about saying goodbye.

I made sure that all the food was ready in the kitchen and that my house looked presentable. Not like I could do anything about it now though. They would all be arriving any minute. Fidgeting with the hem of my simply T-shirt, I paced the hallway in front of the door. I was extremely nervous; I could feel the jitters running throughout my entire body and butterflies disturbing my stomach. I knew it was silly to be nervous, these were the very last people that would judge me. I was so comfortable with them, yet I was still so worried for today. This was it. My last real time to be with them. It would never be the same.

The door bell rang, and I jumped. My legs felt similar to jello with a mind of their own as I wobbled to the door and opened it wide. The two that started it all stood in front of me, beaming excitedly.

“Alex! Niall!” I cried, crushing the girl into a hug.

She laughed and lightly put her arms around me and patted my back. I quickly let go though so that I could give Niall a hug as well.

“It's so good to see you guys,” my voice choked as a couple of traitorous tears came to my eyes, but I was destined to not make this a sad occasion.

“Don't forget about us,” a soft voice piped up from the doorway.

I looked behind Niall to see the soft spoken blond next to the black haired girl.

“Phebs! Belle! I would never ever forget you two,” I assured them, squishing the girls into a group hug.

They laughed at all of my hugs, which I so rarely gave out, but this was a time that called, no screamed, for hugs.

“Go on in you guys,” I waved my hands forward then called out, “Oy! Niall! Alex! Try to not eat all of the burgers, okay?”

I heard the pair grumble, and I giggled a bit. Hopefully I had enough food, but with those two, you could never be sure. Goodness knows what would happen if Louis got here before Moni and found the cupcakes. Imagining the epic battle that would commence, I shuddered a bit. Those two and their cupcakes. I was broken from my thoughts though when I saw Zayn and Mila walking up the driveway hand in hand. My face broke into a grin so large that I thought my cheeks would split open. It was just amazing to actually see everyone coming.

Soon enough, my house was full of all of the people that I had grown to care about so much. They struck up conversations, laughing at old jokes and reminiscing old times. I drifted around through the living room and kitchen. Not surprisingly, Louis, Moni, and even Mila were all arguing over who should get the last cupcake. They acted like they were so angry and that this cupcake meant the world to each of them, but it was all fun and games. Laughing lightly, I slipped back into the living room, unnoticed by anyone. I heard Hannah's distinctive giggles from the living room and saw that she was having a go at the dartboard that I had set up with Harry's face on it.

“Doesn't this bring back memories?” she teased Harry, poking him in the stomach.

He rolled his eyes at her, but his smile never left his face. Ed and Moni were both sitting close to each other on the couch, quietly observing everyone else. The pure happiness running through my veins gave me such a rush that I had never known. These people had taken me on such an emotional roller coaster of a ride, but it was all worth it. I wouldn't trade these people for anything in the world.

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