Chapter I

2 1 0

Syz - mate
Elenchos - the society; meaning-control
          I've heard from him for as long as I can remember. My syz, that is.  Mother said its his way of checking in on me. She says it's the same way for everyone.
"It's weird though," she tells me, her green gaze locked onto mine in the mirror.
"Your father's voice sounds nothing like it does in my head."

"How does it sound in your head?"

"Smooth, deep. I thought he would be someone  famous in the society."

I laughed,"And he turned out to be an activities coordinator."
The job was very demanding and
he did receive a few praises in the mail, but it was nothing like an entertainer. The entertainers took turns in singing us to sleep each night and lulling is awake each morning. At the celebration of our birth dates, the entertainers provided the main event - a song that's been sung at every birthday since the establishment of Elenchos.

"Raelin? Raelin, dear are you okay?" my mother asks, waving her hand in front of my face. Her prosthetic making white swirls in my visions I come back to the real world.

"Uh, yeah-yeah. I'm fine. What time is it?"

"Let's see," she says, checking her watch,"It's a quarter 'til eight."

"Ah, man! We've gotta go!" I yell, jumping up from the stool and running a hand through my newly cut hair.

"But Raelin! I haven't braided it yet!" my mother protests.

"It's okay! I'll braid it myself!" Class 4's weren't suppose to keep their hair out. It was only permitted for Class 1's - being that it was growing out - and Class 8's who were near expiration.

I grabbed my younger sister, 
Kady, and we climbed onto my motor scooter. We weren't wealthy enough to afford a car. I drove as fast as I could so that I'd be able to drop Kady off at her Class 2 school and then went to my practice occupation - teacher aid. It was just a fancy way of saying that I did all the work and the teacher got paid for it.  I receive an income, but I deserved more than four azils a pay.

I arrived just as they were finishing the anthem.

"Forever shall our village reign," I sang along, quickly putting up my bag and placing my hands behind my back.

"You're supposed to bow as well, Miss Raelin," Educator Jones thundered.

I quickly bowed and finished the rest as the class looked at me, "In power and respect."

'Late again, Sunshine,' the voice tuned in.

'Not now,' I mentally responded.

"Class, please tell Miss Raelin the punishment for tardiness."

"Sentences," they all recited in unison.

"Exactly, except you will be grading exams."

I tried to keep my face from faltering. "Yes, ma'am."

'What did you get this time?'

'Grading exams,' I responded. 

'Ouch - that's worse than sandbox corralling.'

I shivered as the memory came to     
the front of my mind. I had to bring all the kids in from the square box of sand that they played in before lunch. I'll just say that kids don't like you taking away their fun.
My communicator beeped,
Drawing me away from the memory. Educator Jones was too busy with her class to hear the tone. Quickly, I read the message from my best friend and replied.

Sage: Lunch at the oak?
Me: I'll try

A loud plop sounded as the air
moved out from under the large pile of papers in fear.

"This is your first pile. Hurry up and complete it - we don't have all day,"Educator Jones said.

"Yes, ma'am," I simply replied and began heading the papers.


Two hundred and eighty-two papers later, it was time for my advanced classes. You were required to take classes until you were a Class 5. My classes included Trigonometry, Biology, Society History, English, and Syz Training as well as Art. Syz Training was my least favorite being that Samuel Mc'Dowell always made crude remarks. Art is wonderful. It included photography, painting, crafts, and music. Photography was my favorite. I loved going into the dark room to develop my pictures. The darkness had a way of blanketing the space around you so you felt as if you were alone. In the dark there's only you and what you have your eyes set on. It was my place. It was the only place I fit in.
Suddenly the tall clock in the
Center of Elenchos Square began to chime.

"Bing! Bang! Bing-bing! Bong!"

"Bang-bang!" One-one, eleven.

"Bieng-brung!" Two-eight, twenty eight.

Two minutes. I have two minutes
To get to class. I'm not exactly very athletic, so this wasn't going to be easy. My feet hit against the cobblestone as I began to run. I suddenly propelled forward, landing a somersault. By-passers gasped as o continued running, putting a hand to the back of my head. That really hurt.
The building wasn't far now. After
another unprepared flip I landed in front of the door. Not even thinking, I reached up to grab the door handle and tumbled inside the classroom just as the 11:30 bell chimed. The whole class laughed as Educator Sumner ran over to collect me off the floor.

"I guess you were technically on time, Miss Bloomer," she says, trying to hide her smile. I like Educator S. If she didn't teach the horrible Syz Training she would probably be my friend.

"I'm okay," I said, as I stood and brushed the seat of my pants. My cheeks began to heat as I walked to the only seat left. The one by Samuel McDowell. Why, why, why? Take me now, God.

'That's wouldn't be so great, would it?' he said.

'Aren't you supposed to be in lessons?'


We weren't allowed to give out
personal information. My syz now knew that I was still in lessons. He already knew I had a practice occupation, what I just said narrowed down the list of girls.
As soon as the slides started,
Samuel began making jokes. Today's lessons was about puberty. When the man's voice began to talk about girls changing into women, Samuel elbowed me in my chest. No kidding. And then I slapped him. I didn't really think about it. My hand just shot out and hit him. Almost as if he saw it out of his own eyes, my syz laughed. Well, sort of. It was mixed with a growl because of the incident.
I finally realized everyone was
looking at me. My cheeks heated up once again that day as I stared at all the shocked faces. I know what they're thinking - Raelin Bloomer is a meek girl. She wouldn't slap anyone, not even the biggest jerk in the whole society.
Glancing once again at everyone,
I grabbed my bag and ran out of the class all the way to the Arts building. I sat outside of it until the class slot ended.

Okay, so you've braved through the not-so-interesting first chapter. I promise you, things will start to heat up until the story is a full boil.

The terms at the beginning of each chapter are very important. If you don't know them, you'll probably get confused. There's not going to be a test or anything, but it would be good to know what a syz is.

Oh! And I picture Xenia Deli as Raelin. She's the girl from Justin Bieber's What Do You Mean music video, but she's also pictured above(or to the side).

Please comment and vote!!! Tell me what you think, honestly. I love constructive criticism. Share with your friends and be sure to follow me on Instagram: @miss_aye1

Thank you so much for reading, and again it will get better.

Love you lovelies!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2016 ⏰

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