A Traitor in the Mist

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Victor was a unicorn, and he was very proud to be one. He had all the respect of the woodland creatures. When Victor trotted by, all the animals would stop and stare at is majesty as his horn glistened in the sun. Victor was living the life.

One day Victor the unicorn went to take a crap behind the best bush in the forest that he had claimed as his very own personal shit bush. No animal was to walk within a 250 feet radius of Victor's shit bush or he would trample them to death with no mercy. As Victor prepared to poop by his bush he heard rustling in a less than perfect bush nearby. Victor went into attack mode as he prepared to destroy any living thing he could lay eyes on. He gazed wild-eyed in all directions in search of any trespassers.

Then he saw it. Amongst the many piles of unicorn shit (each pile with a daisy that had been placed at the peek by Victor) there was one pile of crap that was missing that unicorn tang.

Victor The Territorial UnicornWhere stories live. Discover now