Chapter 2

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As we are driving Mason starts his rules and regulations with me. Fucking giving rules to your mate your other half is a dick move.

"first I really don't want you as my mate. Second I have April and I love her. Third I need you around so my wolf won't weaken. You will have the eastwing of my house and that is where you will stay. I will not leave April for you so you can forget that idea". I'm absolutely flabbergasted by this. He won leave a human whore for his destined mate. What the actual don't adjust your television shitcis this.

I scoff as he keeps driving. He is stupid if he thinks I am being locked away so he can continue fucking that human bitch. I hope she dies or better yet get a disease and suffers.

"no I am not take me back now I don't need a mate",I growled. Fuck him I didn't want his ass either.

He pulls over as I open the door and get out. I am pissed as he gets out and glares at me.  I'm beyond pissed and my wolf is whining in my head in pain. She has been crying since he started the rules bullshit for that human nastiness he fucks. To think I saved myself for this.

"you will do as I say or I will go and kill your whole pack. Your dad , friends and all the kids". What? He fucking knows I hate my mom well he is included now. Male whore.

I glare at him in disbelief as he advances on me but he ignores me. Yanking me to him he shoves me back and into the truck. I feel tears fill my eyes as he hops in and drives off. We arrive after midnight and he forces me out and into his house. He takes me to a empty wing of the house and hits a button on the wall. It swings open and he yanks me through. My stuff is already in there and I sigh sadly. This is my life now and I  really don't know if I can handle it. I don't want my dad dead or the kids. My pack was always good to me so I will do what I can to endure it.

"this is where you will stay from now on. You will not be permitted outside unless I say so. You will not be aloud outside this area without my approval. I will come and be near you whenever I want to so you will get use to it",he says gruffly as he releases me and walks away. My heart hurts and my wolf howls in loss and pain.

"Get use to it,I say out loud, he'll our own mother never wanted us who cares if our mate us as bad as her. Someday we will get out",but she already curled up and whimpers in agony.

As he leaves the door swings shut and I'm locked in my prison. I walk around sadly and explore. I have a huge bedroom, gym, indoor pool and nice kitchen. I unpack as my wolf whimpers in my head. She is just as shocked as she realizes we are just being used by our mate so he won't weaken. He also refuses to leave the human for us. The absolute waste of space human whorebag that I would love to rip to pieces.  Literally rip chunks of her body and throw it everywhere.

I start my stages of grief and the first is denial. This isn't real this can't be happening to me I think sadly as I finish unpacking and put my luggage in the closet. I wander to the kitchen and get a bottle of water. Drinking it I go sit in the living room and flip on the TV. Nothing really catches my interest as I sit thinking of a way to escape this hell. I'm not this girl this seriously can't be happening to me. What dud I do yo deserve this fate.

I don't notice the girl standing there till she clears her throat and I jump a foot.

"Fuck me ",I gasp out shocked. Where thr fuck did she come from a secret passage.

"hi I'm Samantha or Sam for short and the alpha sent me to see if you want anything",she says smiling. She is a nice one I think as I look up at her. What I want this she wolf can't give me.

I nodded no and she smiles.
"so your alpha's mate",she says sitting beside me. I just want to be left to my misery alone but here is giddy Sam talking a mile a minute.

"yes unfortunately I am",I say staring at the TV. She just smiles and leaves after talking about any and everything. I sit up and run to see if I can get out of here. I tap on the wall, hit it ,kick and slam chairs into it but no luck. I destroyed his precious fucking chairs. The fucking douchebag.

I will escape here even if it kills me. Then it hits me I may have to die to escape but fir now I look like a crazy person going into every room looking for passages or buttons. I can't believe I'm being treated like this and by my own mate. He had no remorse or regrets as he talked on the way here about his love for this human.

After exhausting myself I flop down panting as my wolf huffs. We may have to die to escape she mumbles out sadly. 
Be better then living like this everyday I offer back. Still for awhile over the next few days I go to different areas of every room looking for buttons, switches or levers to get out. Hell I even tried the windows all were shatter proof. The absolute proof he planned this for whatever mate he got.

I just can't wrap my head around it. Why my mate chose to do this. Tears fall a lot.

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