give me a chance .

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PM : You'll never know (walks out)

me : hmmm . (finish sandwich . go back to my room)

I walked back up stairs to my room and see Yn , sleeping peacefully . she so cute . I laid right

next to her . and got on my phone . I heard " same love ". by Malcolm moor . . . it was YN's

phone righting . . it was Prod . .

me : Hello ?

prod : Ayye where Yn ? (sounding worried)

me : why you care ? you disked her for the other ho- I mean girl .

prod : man where she at ? !

me : you with Naomi?

prod : yeah .

me : let me talk to her .

prod : damn (pass the phone to Naomi)

Naomi : hey , you know where Yn is ?

me: must do I'm talking to you on her home .

Naomi : ( Looks at caller Id ) well damn sorry , prod just handed me the phone , but where she at ?

me : with me .

Naomi: iight , as long at she safe

me : iight bye .

Naomi : (hangs up)

Right after I hung up I got a message , from prod . on my phone

Message s ...

prod : Damn nigga you could've at least told me. .

Me : damn nigga I thought you know ... considering I answered from her phone .

prod : Stfu .

me : why you care ? go hang out with that lying ass thief 😂

🍯end of messages .🍯

Yn : (roll over facing prince )

I put my phone down and put the covers over me and Yn . I pulled her on my chest . .

I thinks might like her . she might just have the same feeling for me . but Im sleepy .

🌼 M O R N I N G 🌼

I woke up to my phone going off , from a notification from Instagram . I checked it .

it was a comment on my and Yn , picture from last night .

Comments :

1🔹 Dammmnn she fine . 😍😍

2🔸y'all so cute together 😘😍

3🔸 Awwe ..

the comment went on , & on . I smiled at them . I made my morning 😘 .

yn was still sleep on my chest . I'm not gonna lie I love her . but before it was in a

friend way . now , it's just ..... like , love , love . ❤ I stayed still so I would wake her up

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