Prologue - An Introduction

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Hello Everyone, it has been a long time since i've written anything. But after seeing Pride and Prejudice and Zombies in the cinema i instantly became obsessed with all things PPZ, wishing to enter a character of my own in the story, so, without further ado, enjoy (: (sorry if the language is not as good as the original regency time language and speech, i tried :p) - I do not own any of the original Jane Austen characters or the concept of Seth Grahame-Smith's books of PPZ, i do however own Ophelia, Deirdre, Henri, Frederick, Daniel and Julius.


The lingering, sensual touch of the wind stroking her face calmed her mind somehow, for today at least. With her eyes closed Ophelia had been meditating, surrounded only by nature and no other. Even the sound of the approaching carriage did not faze her, for social inquiry did no longer hold any meaning to her, seeing it as just another joyous illusion that she did not deserve, not her, not now, not ever, not after what she had done. This place was her home now, a small temple near the sea; to train, receive the necessary nourishments and sleep. Her isolation was her punishment just as much as it was her release. Weekly letters however she still did receive; letters send from home. Absentmindedly, Ophelia opened the letter she had received, dreading the content as she began to read: 

Our Dearest Daughter,

I, your Father,                                                                                                                                                                             now speak to you on a most delicate matter, a matter which can no longer be ignored, how ever much we and as we presume, you prefer it. You must come home, the time spent in your isolation along with our blessings, must come to an end. Two years have past, and your mother fears for your wellbeing. While reading this letter you might feel the need to refuse or ignore what I have written you, but do remember my daughter: The present is only temporary, best to not dwell on the past for you might miss the future. A phrase I am sure you remember from your training, a phrase often voiced by Master Yi. Your future awaits you my daughter, do not let grief cloud your further actions, therefore, a carriage shall be sent tomorrow for your journey back home.

With all our love, Father.

After reading the letter, panic was now rising within her, deep down having always known that she would receive the request to return, a request she sadly, could not refuse. Her panic however, was soon subdued by her rising anger; not liking the feeling, she chose to crumple the letter with her hand before visiting her temple once again. Within her temple she chose her well-known sword; the sword that had caused such grief in the end. Her choice of blade fueled her punishment, allowing it to relive every second. With the memory fresh in the front of her mind, she began to wield her sword 'Juexin' with utter concentration and perseverance, which gave her enough strength to move on, to keep her awake during the night. 

At the break of dawn Ophelia had not put down her sword and as she was about to strike while moving her body in the opposite direction, her blade landed only a short distance before a man's face. The man did not flinch or move away, which made her agitated of his respect he clearly had for her abilities, seeing as he might find his superior to hers. His expression however remained impassive, unmoving and devoid of any emotions. Nevertheless she soon received a polite bow in her direction before her eyes met his. 'State your business Sir, for you have most inconveniently interrupted my morning activities.' She brashly claimed, seeing as straightforwardness was a trait many should practice for it simplified all manner of social communication. 'My apologies are in order, perhaps, but I did not arrive solemnly to watch a demonstration, I, Colonel Darcy, have come to escort you, Miss Everard, to Brixworth.' The so-called Colonel seemed to wait for her answer and without answering; she stormed past him, walking towards her sleeping quarters when a scraping of the throat in order to catch her attention made her halt. 'Do excuse me, for I did not pack yet, I shall meet you at the carriage, Mr. Darcy.' she curtly stated. Without looking back, Ophelia grabbed her favorite weapons, a few clothes, and her diary but something made her halt and close her eyes briefly, taking a deep breath, Ophelia tried to calm her mind. 

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