The palace

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The next day they start with harder training yuki charges Aki again but this time knives come charging yuki falls back then dori aims directly at Aki and fires an bullet at Aki it only skins him but distracts him enough for yuki to hit him damaging him good enough.aki starts laughing psycoticly."don't think I'd lose so easily" he says unleashing a chainsaw and charges at dori but yuki trows him "that's obviously another demon weapon where'd you get it?"Yuki asks."I was a test subject the lord saw me as a durable test subject and so he experimented on me which drove me mad neddles everywhere and then I broke and got the knives it's simply a power to me" Aki says with a mad expression.A couple months go by and they seem like they're prepared and yuki unlocked a transformation no one but him and riko know about its called shinigami mode(God of death or grimreaper in English) they walk up to the palace all prepared "I'll make sure I'll protect you all even if I die"yuki implied.This made dori blush then they walk into the palace there was hundreds of demons in the palace charging after them Aki grinned"can I play can I?"Aki asked "do as you please"yuki awsered.yuki knew that aki couldn't take them on alone but then he saw it everything froze around him execpt for him Aki and dori.Aki then snaps his fingers sending out knives then time flows again making the knives flow and all you can see is bodies dropping to the floor then all you can see is blood coming from Aki."aki what's wrong aki?!?!?"yuki screamed.he fell to the ground "I might of over did it just p-please take care of my sister for me she doesn't know about me due to me being captured the a year after she was born"he coughed up wasn't just the over use of energy that killed him there was a big hole in him."I can't just leave you here"yuki said "don't worry I have to save you from him"Aki then points at a guy wearing a hoodie"he's second commander it hurts so much but knowing my sisters alive it'll make me proud to see her win for our family and friends and for me" Aki said as he gets up"I call upon the genocider mode" he says unleashing the knives and the chainsaw Aki grinned as he weakly send the knives then try's striking with the chainsaw yuki hesitantly runs away taking dori tears flowed down yukis face why does everyone I meet have to die yuki thought to himself I'm so worthless he then remembered how they all gladly went into the palace and now their world is so messed up."I know he'll take care of you more then I would've"Aki grinned he then wrapped his weapon and used his blood and wrote "please take care of her and here's my weapon to ensure you can you're like and brother to me I apologize for giving up so suddenly just take care of her for me" then he died out with a smile of winning

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