Chapter 32

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            Valerie shook her head, her eyes still on the spot where Izolei had disappeared. “And I thought Satinka was bad. I’m sorry Konah but your godmother’s absolutely bat-shit crazy.”

            The blonde prince sighed heavily. “I will see that she does not bother you further. She has been our family’s godmother for as long as we have records. I believe she has difficulty with change and those of us who do not follow her every wish.”

            She snorted. “No I think that’s just godmothers in general. Darren’s isn’t as bad but she doesn’t like me much.”

            At the sound of his name, Darren’s head snapped up from staring at the place the silver smoke had appeared. He focused on Val, walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. She went very still. “Darren,” she warned.

            He squeezed her tighter and she rolled her eyes. He had probably been freaking out when she disappeared so she let the manhandling slide. Then she frowned and turned her head so she could see his face. “Hey, how did you get here so fast? It took you like a day to find me when I was in Ifely and I’m guessing Methus is quite a bit farther away.”

            “My godmother helped me. She kept the hairs you left in her rooms when you visited her and was able to find you through them. Don’t ask me how. I don’t know how magic works. It was only luck that you were happened to be in one of the original five palaces. If you’d been anywhere but home, here, Debton, Hashby, or Lhime, things would have been much harder. But thankfully Verator has a magic mirror so I could travel here quickly. Then I just followed the prickles to you,” he said, staring down at her, eyes double checking for any injuries.

            “Huh,” she said, a slight frown furrowing her brow. “I’d have thought Satinka would have been glad to see the back of me. It’s not like we see eye to eye on…well, anything.”

            He frowned. “You are my princess. She won’t allow any harm to come to you, whatever her personal feelings may be,” he said. He frowned for a moment then sighed and turned to look at Amorrt. “She also told me to tell you that you’re still her godson. If you need her, you are to call on her.”

            “Well,” Valerie said, a little taken aback. “Maybe she’s not as bad as I thought. And with Izolei around as comparison, I’m actually glad she’s your godmother.”

            Konah took a step forward and bowed. “You have my sincerest apologies on behalf of my godmother. If I had known of this sooner, I would have sent messages to Armith to avoid any unnecessary worry as well as seeing the lady to safety myself.”

            “My name’s Valerie, not lady.”

            They ignored her. “Thank you. I understand it wasn’t you who brought this about.”

            She poked Darren’s arm so he would look at her. “You should be thanking him for taking care of Amorrt. Especially after the number you and the rest of your family did on him. And,” she said, speaking louder when she saw him opening his mouth. “Your parents are going to cancel the exile shortly so there’s no damn reason for you to continue acting like he’s some kind of monster.”

            “He tried to kill me!”

            “I’m sure he’s willing to apologize for that. Aren’t you Amorrt?” The last bit was said after she turned a hard-eyed stare on the other Armithian prince.

            He glared for a moment, a light flush of anger colouring his face. Konah sighed and leaned on Amorrt, his elbow resting on top of his head. The shorter man switched glaring targets. Konah met his gaze calmly. After a few moments, Amorrt dropped his gaze and muttered something none of them heard. Only then did Konah drop the arm. The Armithian prince looked over, crossing his arms over his chest. “I apologize for attempting to murder you, cousin. I was not thinking rightly. I also apologize for attempting to kidnap your princess, for hiring an assassin, and for attempting to sabotage you at court.”

            Darren frowned until Val stepped lightly on his foot. She gave him the same severe look she’d given Amorrt and waited. He sighed, looked up at the ceiling for a moment then turned to his cousin. “I accept your apology. It appears you were not entirely yourself and part of that is our fault. I will ask that you not come back to court anytime soon. Things there will not cool down so quickly.”

            He snorted. “I have no intention of returning to that nest of vipers and stupid sheep. I have more than enough problems here to wish to collect more at home.”

            “You always were lazy.”

            Amorrt smirked.  “No, just smarter than you.”

            Darren glowered and Valerie grinned. “You are the only person besides me and his parents who seem to realize he’s an idiot. Oh wait, Lyel too I guess.”

            His smile lasted only a moment. “How are they? Uncle Brendis and Aunt Asterria?”

            A half shrug was all she could manage while still trapped in the circle of Darren’s arms. “Fine. A bit worried about you. They seemed really relieved when I told them you’d been woken up and were riding off with Konah.”

            The prince in question sighed. “As happy as I am that Amorrt has reconciled with his family, I believe it would be best for all involved if you were to leave shortly. There will be many questions as is, I would prefer not to have any more added to that sum.”

            Darren nodded. “You’re right. And if I don’t return soon, others will be sent through and this will become an international incident.”

            Valerie shuddered. “Then let’s hurry. It’s bad enough a bunch of people are going to know that I not only got my ass kicked but that I got kidnapped in the process. I don’t want two entire countries to know about it as well.”

            “Only you would be embarrassed about not being able to single-handedly defeat two Jaloam,” he said, chuckling a little.

            She harrumphed. “It’s not cool. Oh well. At least I got to see that Amorrt’s doing okay. I’ll be checking up on you occasionally.”

            Amorrt gave her a dirty look. “I do not need your pity,” he snapped.

            “It’s not pity. It’s pure selfishness. Where else am I going to get more embarrassing Darren stories? His mom only has so many.”

            “Hey!” Darren shouted.

His cousin actually grinned. “I can certainly be of use there. I would also appreciate news of home.”

“It’s a deal. Now let’s go back before the cavalry gets here,” she said, breaking free of Darren’s embrace and marching off down the hall.

“You’re never going to let me rescue you properly, are you?” Darren muttered as he trailed behind her.

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