Remus John Lupin x Reader

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Your POV

Not once did the marauder miss his targets. I watched with wide eyes as Remus Lupin threw himself into the onslaught. His gold eyes were alive as the werewolf dispatched his enemies one by one. Beside him, his companions stood tall, James, struggling to see through the cracked lens of his glasses, and Sirius, his black hair matted to his head. Not far from the trio, Lily warded off her attackers, her mane of flaming red locks encompassing her, a look of determination etched across her face.

My E/C eyes landed on an approaching Death Eater, his features contorted in a sick grin. His eyes were black with fury, and something else... Fear. Not of me though. Fear of the Dark Lord himself who stood only feet away, locked in battle with none other than Albus Dumbledore. I raised my wand, planted firmly in my hand, and brandished it, directing the tip at my opponent. He did the same, his expression twisting into a snarl.

"Mudbloods were never meant to play with magic," he hissed.

Rage coursed through my veins, spreading through my body like wildfire. Spells erupted from my mouth, spilling out my wand, and towards the Death Eater. One after another, they slammed into his body, weakening the man, blow by blow. Finally, he collapsed to the ground in a heap.

"Silly girl," a voice emerged from the chaos unfolding about me, "Why don't you listen to what you're told?"

I whipped around, my eyes searching for the owner of the voice.

"Find me you won't, kill you I will," Riddled the voice.

"Avada Kedavra," the cruel voice screeched the unforgivable curse.

I saw her now. Her wand aimed at my chest, the woman held her head high, her laughter echoing around the room. Her eyes were cruel, her smile unforgiving. For an instant it was all so clear. I was going to die.

And then I didn't. A body hurtled into mine, throwing me sideways. With a thud, I hit the wall, and fell to the ground. I jerked my head up, H/C hair flying everywhere and my panicked gaze landed on him. The killing the curse hit him hard. The impact of the witch's spell sending him crashing backwards. There he lay, on the ground. Crumpled, unmoving... Remus Lupin had saved my life.

My lips parted, unleashing a scream like no other. A screech of pain. A call for help. A cry for lose. The tip of my wand erupted unleashing a wave of force, destroying everything within reach. Order members and Death Eaters alike were thrown about, the only thing untouched by my wrath was Remus. Remus who had saved my life. Remus who I loved. Crumpled, unmoving Remus.

Darting too his side, I fell to my knees, willing him to breathe, blink, move. He looked peaceful, asleep.

"Remus?" My voice cracked, eyes welled.

"Remus, come on, wake up," I pleaded. Tears spilled down my cheeks, landing on the werewolf beside me.

"Remus, this isn't funny, wake up."

A hand touched my shoulder, causing me to flinch. It was Sirius. He too was crying, his eyes shining with pity as he watched me struggle to wake his sleeping friend.

"Why isn't he waking up?" I asked, my voice like that of a child.

"Be-be-cause h-he can't," Sirius stuttered, his body shuddering with each mournful sob.

My eyes flicked back down to Remus.


I sobbed. I sobbed with Sirius, and, when the back-haired boy could take no more of the sight of his pale-faced friend, I sobbed alone. I curled up beside Remus, whose body felt rigid and cold. I sobbed into his chest, until, I felt I could sob no more. I was empty.

And then he moved. A slight rise and fall of his chest was visible and a rattling intake of breath could be heard. I sat bolt upright, startled by the movement, only to meet the beautiful, gold, very much alive, eyes of Remus Lupin.



At first all I could feel was joy. Joy and relief. That is until I was overcome with a wave of uncontrollable anger. Seizing the boy by his collar I forced him to meet my eyes, our faces inches apart.

"I swear on all things holy if you ever do that to me again Remus I'll..." Remus smirked.


Remus gave me no time to think of what I'd do however, because, the werewolf wrapped his arms around my waist he drew me closer, and smashed his lips to mine. My threats forgotten, my grip on his collar loosened and I melted into the kiss. In that very instant we were one. Inseparable. My heart slammed against my ribcage, beating faster than ever before. A smile painted itself on my lips, and finally, breathless, I pulled away.

"Now, what exactly was it that you planned on doing to me?"

I rolled my eyes, laughing along with him, thanking the gods Remus was okay. Alive. Awake.

//Wake up// A Remus Lupin x Reader OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now