There weren't not triplets baby belly.
I'm 2 months with the triplets. I feel huge. Wes says I'm gorgeous. I kissed him. We are engage now. I feel so dang lucky. He puts his hand on my stomach. I jumped. He kisses my lips. I smelled him. He smelled good. He keeps his hand around my belly. Trish comes in. Everyone knew that I was pregnant with triplets. That we are now engaged. "You look pretty Mads." She says. Giving me a hug. Rebecca comes in. "Well your definitely showing." She says, Wes give her a stare. "I know I feel fat." I say. She laughs he slaps Rebecca. "Ow!Wes!" She says. "Don't say things in front of her. Her hormones are crazy!" He says, he kisses me and he goes upstairs. I missed him already. I go upstairs see him. Tired. "Want to get some sleep babe?" I ask. "Yeah, that sounds wonderful, I'm worried about you and me, espically me. Getting high again. I don't want to hurt you are our babies. I love you Mads." He says, deepening our kiss we started to make out.