A phone rang in the distance, Blaring like a warning light to guide me to consciousness. I dreamed it was the sound of a million neighing horses, all complaining at the same time until I popped awake.
"Who the?..." I sit up drowsily. The ringing culprit was mine. I clutch at the flat object, while struggling hard to unlock it.
I stare blankly at the persistent screen. It answered me with a fresh batch of questions. Who calls at this time?
I don't usually answer unregistered numbers because they could be killers for all I know. Plus, I wasn't planning to change my belief.
I prepared to go back to sleep, fluffing my pillow up to get to its maximum fluffiness.
I was drifting away in a raft following a river.
And then it rang again.
"What the f---" groaning, I ended the call, slamming it on the bedside table loudly.
Again it rang, like the loser it was.
I immediately lunged for it, pressing the shutdown button with agitation,
Something that flashed on the screen stopped me though, too late. It came a million years too late. I was caught in a staring game with the dying screen.
"What? NO...Noooo.. What the heck man, no!!"
I rapidly tried to open the little fvcker again.