Seagull's hope

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"So," I said as we were sitting on one of the tables in my cafe near the window.

Warm drink in hand, tightly wrapping my fingers around them to keep me warm.

"What's your real name?" I continued.

She sighed, scratched the back of her neck, before she said "promise not to laugh."

This got me all excited, I wonder what her name is going to be.
Ever since she first came, I thought she really pretty so I remembered her name immediately.
But whenever she came, she gave me a new name, and honestly I got so curious, l just wanted to know her real name.

"I won't, I promise now please tell me...."

"So you see, my parents are um yeah hippies," she sighed "so they choose my name....they named me after," she paused, sighed one more time and then continued "they named me after the seagulls on the beach when they were making love when my mom got pregnant with me."

I blankly stared at her, her name is 'seagull', I was this close to bursting out in laughter before I remembered our promise, but i couldn't help it and so I burst out laughing.

She blankly stared at me, before sighing and looking outside the window.

"So yeah, When I grew up a bit I begged them to change my name, and yeah well they ignored me and said that my name is beautiful!"
She continued still looking at the snow falling outside, while I was trying to calm myself.

"So I had to wait until I was eighteen years old, I'm legally allowed to change my name, which is today." She said now looking at me.

I already calmed myself and now I was staring at her with a grin on my face.

"So that's why you kept  telling me A new name ever time you came,"

She nodded and then taking a sip of her hot chocolate.

"I keep using different name for every person I meet, I honestly forget what I tell them," she chuckled at her self.

"So what's your name now?" I asked her curiously.

She chose a new name that she's going to use all her life, I wondered what it was, what it meant.

"It's apple," she said smiling happily. 

I stared at her. Apple? Really?!

She laughed, her hair fell on her face.

"stop playing with me," I yelled.

She calmed down before saying"it's hope."

I stared at her and I felt so touched, I couldn't believe it, I smiled so hard I felt my face ache.

"I'm Hoseok, and you?" I extended my hand for her.

"I'm Hope," she took my hand and shock it.

And that's how it all started, slowly but surely it was the best thing that ever happened to me.

Last chapter hope you enjoyed it!!! I like this book a lot I enjoyed writing it, hopefully you guys enjoyed reading it, thank youuuuuuuuu

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