Once upon a time...

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There was a city on the southern coast of California. Long Beach was the city's name and the population was around 469,428.  Our story begins in this very city, to which both our main characters live in. It was their final year at their particular middle school, unfortunately, we will have to go all the way back to their very first week of school. Eventually, the two of them had no idea of each other's existence, that was, until a very certain day....

Let's start off with the 'fairytale princess' of the story: Joanne Solano

'FUCK!', She thought as she ran to her gym class. The hurried footsteps echoed throughout the field as she suddenly made it to her class. She made it on time, fortunately, as she made her way into her spot and stayed there for a while. She twirled her dark hair around her finger and waited patiently for her teacher to give instructions, but it seemed like he was dealing with a problem with a certain student. She turned to the side and started talking with her friend, well to be more specific, the only person she knew who to talk with if feeling lonely. The class fell silent as their teacher made his way in front of the class and started speaking loudly, "Alright Thank you, everybody. Please turn around, silent, straight and...Why aren't you sitting?", He asked in a serious tone. The class started to complain about how the ground was steaming hot and how it's so hot to be out here. The teacher then got tired of the complaining and spoke, "We're going to practice Tight-Formation Form then you guys will be free to have your Choice of Activity, Alright?", He said as the class groaned, including Joanne and her fairytale prince....who happened to be standing right behind her. The teacher spoke again, "Alright Tight-Formation in 5 seconds....4....3.....2.....1...Everyone back on your numbers, you guys were a little slow", He spoke as the class has lined up and suddenly started groaning and complaining, saying stuff like 'OH MY GOD' 'YOU GUYS ARE A BUNCH OF LAZY ASSES!'. Joanne turned around and didn't notice the tall jock, whom she never saw before, as she suddenly bumped into him accidentally. She bumped her chest into his soft chest as she quickly moved out the way. "I-I'm Sorry about bumping into you...", She said silently and softly. 

Now it's time to introduce the 'fairytale prince': Joel Felix

He looked at the girl for a moment before walking back to his number quietly. He never met nor seen the clumsy girl before, he was suddenly curious about her but kept it to himself. She would probably think he's weird if he started asking stuff about her, He knew it. So he just shrugged it off thinking she was just another girl that just intended the school. His thoughts were suddenly cut off until he heard his name get yelled at since he held the line behind, All because he didn't hear Mr.Wolf repeat his words about Tight-Formation as the whole class yelled and called him names. He didn't really care, He was kind of used to this stuff at home. Sure, He hangs around with troublemakers and plays sports, but that doesn't mean he's not going to have good grades. Heck, the boy is smart enough to have his GPA around 3.0-3.49. But it's not like he has a choice, his mom would take away everything he has and would push him to the limit until he has good grades. His mom always liked his step-brother better than him anyways. He had better grades, better looks, and no one thought he was annoying, obnoxious or just an asshole in general....just like everyone thinks Joel is. But alas, The boy doesn't care, he was just used to it. But that's a story I'll save for later. Back to our love-birds. The same routine passed for 20 minutes until they were excused to go have their Choice activity. Joel went to grab his grey backpack as he saw Joanne grab her bag and start to walk around with the little group she joined so she wouldn't be lonely. He looked at her and felt himself smiling, watching her laugh and be her dork-self. He didn't know why, but he felt that this girl....this girl was way more different than the rest of the girls in the school he met. He walked off to go with his group of friends that were playing basketball while still thinking about her....His Princess with Glasses...Just like Him

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