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It has been quite a few days ever since our two lovebirds has talked, but so has the beginning of a new problem, specifically with little Joanne. 'What do you mean there's something wrong? Is she dying? Is it Cancer?' No. This isn't 'The Fault in Our Stars', She had a breakup with her girlfriend and she's sad as shit. I know right? It was such a dick move of her girlfriend to break up with her, but hey, her fault she pissed the hell outta Joanne. Long story short: Joanne's short temper got the best of her and her girlfriend broke up with Joanne because of it.

Her school didn't help either. Nope. It made matters even worse than their current state. She couldn't concentrate anymore on any of her subjects. Robotics suddenly got more complicated, Algebra didn't make sense anymore, English sounded like it got very Shakespearean, Science has added Biochemistry and more Physics. The only class that felt the same was U.S History. Mostly because Mr.Douglas really made the class easy, since he doesn't give out homework. Not like Joanne was going to pay attention and do it anyway. She felt very hopeless and very....broken. Everyone who heard about her breakup could tell, and they weren't sure on how to help her. Which angered her deeply because she helped out her friends when they were with their relationships, yet they can't help her? With her mind clouded with negativity and hopelessness, she felt herself break, and eventually lose contact with reality; as she fell back into a wonderland full of heartbreak and very scary thoughts.

Throughout the entire period, something didn't seem right to Joel. It wasn't the lack of students that missed school that day or the fact that Mr.Douglas changed his style of clothing, but he knew something was wrong with a certain someone. He looked around the class to find where the problem is coming from as they suddenly landed on Joanne. He felt his heart beat faster as his face suddenly felt warm. Yet, his expression turned from happy to concern quickly. Joanne didn't seem to be alright. She always seemed to be in a bright and happy, but she looks very dull. She definitely seemed very off. Almost....Dead. Joel wanted to walk up from his seat and hug the grieving girl, but he couldn't. He did not want to get called names for hugging the girl, he did not want to go through so much embarrassment. More importantly, He didn't want to make Joanne go through more of what she's already going through. He couldn't pull himself to do that to her. Yet he's very unaware, that a hug is all Joanne needs at the moment.


6th period rolled around and everything was the same. Joanne's ankle still needed recovery since it was really bruised so she sat on the shaded area once again. So did Joel, but he did not bring his yellow ball with him. He sat a meter away from the girl, thinking of ways to start a conversation without making himself look like a weirdo. 'What should I even say? Anything I would normally say can offend her or some shit', He thought. Meanwhile, Joanne sat there very quietly as she watches her group participating in a very intense volleyball game. She clutched her necklace tightly, can't help but remember every word that her girlfriend said to her. The thought of it made tears glisten in her eyes, as she felt a huge lump in her throat as if she was going to have a breakdown. She suddenly felt a hand touch hers as she jumped and wipes her tears away. She looked and stood silent, as she made eye contact with Joel, who touched her hand.

She stepped away from him. "D-Do you need anything, Joel?", She asked, a bit surprised and a little venomous. Joel got up and walked up to her, "Is everything alright? Your eyes look really red like if you were crying....or if you've been smoking some good shit", He joked. Joanne smiled and giggled a bit, as she wipes her eyes. Joel couldn't help but remove a lock of hair away from her face, as he notice her have a twitch and he stops. 'She's been acting very weird lately... and she's twitching like a broken toy...', He thought to himself. The truth of it all, she was indeed 'broken'. She felt herself losing it, and she was in fact. Might as well call her Alice because she's lost herself in a World of Madness...


Joel bolted up from his sleep, obviously scared and freaked out. He looked around at his surroundings, as he looked at his digital clock that read '1:56 A.M'. He looked to see all his stuff packed and prepared for school, which he hasn't gone to yet. Confused and freaked out, he went to the bathroom. He turned on the switch and looked into the mirror, squinting as his eyes slowly got used to the brightness. He reached over and turned on the faucet, specifically the cold water as he got a handful of the cold water and splashed onto his face.  He breathed slowly as he rubbed the liquid off his face as he grabbed a clean towel nearby and dried his face, leaving the bathroom as he turned off the switch.

He turned the corner to get back into his bed before he heard his brother look at him from the top bunk bed, obviously tired and pissed. Judah grabbed the pillow he was cuddling his bed and threw it at Joel growling, "Stop being so fucking loud, you fagtard!". Joel was so tired and sleepy that he fell on his bum from getting hit by the pillow. He got back up and threw it back at Judah who went back to sleeping as he crawled back in bed and fell asleep.


Morning rolled around and Judah has already gotten himself dressed for school. He was combing his hair as he turned to see his brother still asleep in bed. He groaned and looked at their digital clock, and to his horror, it read "8:37 A.M". Joel took like an hour and a half to get himself out of bed, the fact that he has less than that is going to mean that they would be really late or he would have to be absent. Judah wasn't going to allow both options either way, as he screamed in his brother's ear. "GET YOUR FATASS UP JOEL, ITS 8:43 NOW". 

Joel fluttered his eyelids open as he sniffled with a very stuffy nose and heated forehead, turning to look at his brother with extremely red eyes. He slowly pulled out some earphones from his ear as he replied in a sick stuffy voice, "What..?". Judah freaked out and kept his distance, shaking his head as he grabbed his backpack and made his way out. Joel frowned, he didn't want to miss school. Mostly because his grade in math was at a dangerous risk and also, He won't see Joanne. He groaned, his stuffy voice making him sound like he needed to be quarantined. Oh well, at least he wouldn't put her at risk with the stupid virus he got...

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