Continuation of Chapter 1

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Pale light blinded Aro's eyes, growing brighter with each passing second. The den felt cold without the bodies of his pack mates near him. Even Amorska's scent was stale. Aro reluctantly sat up on his haunches. His bones felt as stiff as the ice under his paws, and his age hit him hard in the mornings, making each and every one of his joints twinge as he stretched. Aro shook dust and snow from his fur, padding out of the den and looking around. He tasted the air, his nose was met with the tangled scents of his pack mates. 

"Aro." Hearing his name, Aro turned as a black wolf approached him, winding around the den and standing in front of Aro. "Hello, Dedric." He nodded to his pack mate. "It appears that everyone decided that I sleep in."

Dedric's ears drooped against his head submissively. Aro scrutinized him, he was young, the glint in his eyes glimmered with respect. "I'm sorry. Aro," Dedric began. "I thought you could rest a little longer. It is important for you." Aro tilted his head at the young wolf.  "Your concern for my energy is very kind of you, Dedric." Aro rose his muzzle high, stating his dominance as alpha. "But, as the leader of the pack, I should be up before the sun rises. " Aro turned away from Dedric, padding away. "Of course, Aro." Dedric glared silently  after the aging leader. A soft growl rumbled in the back of Dedric's throat,  scraping the ice underneath his paws.

At the corner of his eye, Dedric saw the white and brown bundle of fur hurdling towards him. A little too late,  Amorska thudded into his leg. Dedric flattened his ears annoyedly, shuffling away from her. "Don't you know how to use your legs correctly?" Dedric grumbled.

"Yes I do." Amorska huffed. Her fur fluffed up as though she was offended. Dedric gave Amorska an mock apologetic look. "Did I hurt the little Scrap's feelings?" He sneered. Enjoying her anger. Amorska growled, turning her back on him. "I'm not going to argue with you." She darted away in a fit of irritation. Dedric snorted, padding after her. "What if I want to argue with you, Scrap." He caught up to her and she flattened her ears. "I'll tell Aro you're bothering me." She warned.  Amorska stared him fiercely in the eye as he towered over her. Dedric drew his lips back, showing his teeth. "Do you think I'm scared of your father?" Dedric snarled. "Aro is old, Amorska. A shambling elk on three legs." Amorska glanced behind her and noticed how Dedric was backing her closer to the edge. "Just like poor, old, broken Norbreg." Dedric murmured.

Amorska's back leg caught air. Making her heart thud against her chest. Rage boiled inside her belly, she wouldn't allow Dedric to bully her like this! She buried her claws into the ice to keep a hold. Resisting the urge to snap at Dedric's muzzle as he pressed closer. Plummet to her death, or be bitten into two. His growls vibrated in her ears.

Suddenly,  a blur of dark grey and brown came rushing towards them. Jaws closed around Dedric's tail and he let out a yelp of pain. Mildra held on, Dedric turned about and snapped at her, but he missed. She hauled him aside and pulled Amorska away from the edge by the tuft of fur on her neck. "Stay here." She instructed the pup, and whirled on Dedric. Mildra stalked towards the black wolf, distrust glittering in her eyes. "I don't remember why Aro allowed you to join the pack." She lowered her head, fur bristling. "Just stay away from Amorska, if you know what's good for you." She turned back to the pup, picking her up in her jaws. "The little devil came to me!" Dedric growled after Mildra.

Mildra ignored him, padding gingerly across the ways, passed their den. Amorska swung from her jaws. Up ahead, she saw her father. Aro was sitting next to Norbreg, trying to block the wind with his massive body. Amorska squrimed. "Can you put me down?" She treaded her paws. "No." Mildra said bluntly with a mouthful of Amorska's fur. An unfamiliar scent drifted over Amorska's nose, she turned her head to see a different wolf trotting along side her aunt. "Is this Amorska?" The wolf asked. It turned out to be a she wolf. By the smell of her, with a glossy gradient of brown fur, white back leg stockings, and bright, friendly summer green eyes. "Don't get in my way, Geromir." Mildra growled tersely. But her temper didn't seem to bother the other wolf.

Aro had his eyes closed against the breeze that nipped at his face, and the tip of Norbreg's ears. He opened them, nose twitching when Mildra and Geromir were heading in their direction. "Aro!" Mildra's voice sounded angrier than usual. Aro rose to his feet and nodded to the approaching company. Norbreg shook his fur, wheezing in the chilly air. Mildra set Amorska down, Geromir sniffed at her curiously. "Aro, that mongrel you accepted into your pack, tried to kill your daughter." Mildra's ears were flattened to her head, enraged. "If I hadn't intervened, he would have pushed her off of Salgrief." Norbreg and Geromir shared gasps of shock, upon hearing the news. "Wait!" Amorska called over the bout of murmurs and grumbles.

"I was playing, and I accidentally ran into Dedric." Amorska hung her head low, tail curling between her legs. "Did you provoke him to attack you?" Aro questioned. Amorska blinked, shaking her head. Aro padded passed the group abruptly. Paws falling heavily across the ice. "Then that means he tried to hurt you on his own accord." Aro said gruffly. "I'm going to go speak to Dedric." Aro's shape disappeared passed their den, and out of sight. Amorska felt a worm of guilt coil inside her belly. Mildra's shadow passed over her as she joined Norbreg, touching her nose to his. Amorska could feel eyes on her back, so she turned. "Hey," Geromir approached cautiously, ears tilted in a friendly way. "Did I get Dedric in trouble?" Amorska asked. Geromir nudged Amorska with a paw. "Oh, no. Dedric put himself in trouble." she said dismissively. "Your father will take care of him," she glanced beyond where Mildra and Norbreg huddled together. "So, would you like to accompany me, to get Dedric off your mind?"

Amorska frowned, but got to her paws. "Alright, but where are we going?" Amorska stepped in to flank Geromir's side. "We're going hunting. There's much more snow up ahead, which means mice. But, what I'm really hoping to find, is a hare." Geromir didn't stop walking.  Amorska's eyes widened. "A hare? How would one of those get all the way up here?" Geromir glanced at her. "It has to be possible. Everyone wants to get to Vengres, right?" She said almost cheerfully. Amorska frowned. "I guess you have a point." She mumbled.

And with that, Amorska followed Geromir across Salgrief. The sky above a patchy ocean of clouds here and there, with vivid blue in between. The sun raked Amorska and Geromir's backs with its warmth. As they got further from Mildra and Norbreg's den site.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2016 ⏰

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