2 Years

3 0 0

We found a new camp about 6 months later. So far nothing has happened to any of us. It's supring because we've only been staying in tents and an old U-haul truck. We found a mattress in it so thats where me and Kass sleep. There's only 10 of us.

Me and Kass were sent out to look for food and ammo. I found an old gun in an abandoned building and a few cans of soup. Kass killed a few rabbits for dinner tonight.

On our way back there was a large herd. We couldn't fight them all off so we had to run. We ended up getting separated in the process. I wandered around the woods looking for her for an hour before walking back. I was worried about her.

When I got back to the camp, everything was gone. Even the U-haul truck. The only things left were me and Kassy's bags. I grabbed mine and left Kassy's hoping she would find her way back then left.

It was pitch black outside. I had been walking for hours. I was tired and my vision was blurry from tears. I was alone and I hated the dark. I made my way down an old road when something snuck up behind me. I grabbed my knife and almost stabbed it.

"Woah, watch it kid!" It was a woman. I couldn't see her because it was so dark."Are you okay? I have a small group not too far from here if you want to come with me."I nodded my head and followed her back.

We arrived to their camp and there was 2 guys and another woman sitting around a fire. The first woman who I later found out was Carrie introduced me to everyone. We sat around and they gave me some food.

"We should show Dakota here one of our favorite games!" said a man who's name was Keith. Everyone seemed pretty excited for it."Okay Dakota, stand in the middle." I did as I was told and then Carrie started to count down. When she got to one, they all jumped on me and beating me to death.

In that moment I felt like I was going to die. People are cruel. Just before I passed out I heard gun shots and a man had picked me up.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2016 ⏰

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