Chapter 2

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September 20th

All the leaves were a rusty colour and memorised me as they floated down to the ground as the gentle breeze blew them further away. I was on my way to meet Delilah in town to do some much needed shopping. She also wanted to see me before my birthday which was on the 23rd. I always thought of my birthday as being just another day even though I did enjoy the attention. I was glad that this chapter of my life was nearly over and I could focus on the future and not look back and dwell on the past. Around me shoppers busily rushed around with their hands full of bags. I hoped that Delilah realised that the small town of Lincoln only had a few shops and definitely none of the designer ones she was used to going in.

Just as I was walking past a street busker someone bear hugged me from behind. I don't know whether to scream or just stay silent but it's the least to say I was relieved that it was just Delilah. I playfully slapped her on the shoulder which I noticed wasn't as bony since I first met her.

"The birthday girl is looking amazing today" she chattered.

Really? I'd just thrown on some dark skinny jeans and an overly baggy jumper paired with some heeled boots. I looked okay but not amazing. I sighed at the compliment not knowing how to take it or even whether to believe it.

"Yeah thanks D, you're looking amazing and really healthy." I replied.

"Haha thanks I've been trying really hard and I'm determined not to relapse. Oh there's someone I want you to meet," she said as she walked us over to a tall dark haired guy. He had to be at least six foot tall. From behind he looked like an ordinary guy but when her turned around.

I felt like I'd stopped breathing he was just so gosh darn beautiful and nothing less. His dark brown hair was tousled and windswept and couldn't help but want to touch it. His skin was somewhere between pale and tanned and I couldn't quite work out where I would place it. The thing that strikes me the most wasn't what he was wearing ( ripped jeans and a leather jacket) but his eyes. They were so green almost like they held hidden jungles within them. They put me under a spell as be blinked his long brown eyelashes at me. Delilah brought me out of my trance.

"This is my brother Everett the one I told you about!" So this was the man that helped her battle her tragic disorder. He held his hand out to me and I hesitated a little before shaking it. His hand was so soft and really big.

"Ah so you're Clementine. This one never stops talking about you!" He joked in his rough voice that still managed to sound like an angels.

I let out an awkward giggle.

"You failed to mention that she had a giggle which just makes her cuter" he stated whilst he jokingly glared at his younger sister. We all laughed after that.


That was the first time I ever met him and where everything started with this beautiful man. He had captured my heart from that one short meeting and he didn't even know it or so I thought. That September night I received a friends request from Mr Lyndon and it changed my life for better or for worse? I'm still trying to figure that bit out.

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