Wizards Warlocks and Witches

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Chapter One

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! My alarm clock howls at me to wake up. Ugh. Morning. I am so not a morning person. And it's not even technically morning! It's 6:00. The sun is not up. If the sun is not up then it is not morning. Seriously? I thought people who worked for school boards were supposed to be smart. I reach over onto my nightstand and punch my alarm clock to make it shut up. I groan and grumble as I tiredly roll out of bed.

I get dressed without the light on (the switch is too far away!) like normally. I always like to surprise myself with my own outfit every morning. Needless to say, I haven't worn a matching pair of socks in ten years. I feel my way around my room to collect random articles of clothing. I love my room. It's not very big but it's super cozy. The four walls are a warm tan color with posters of bands and all of the Harry Potter characters stuck to the walls with silly putty. On the far wall from my door is a tack board with pictures of my family and friends and birthday cards that I don't have the heart to throw away. My old desk is in the corner with my laptop and white wood chair with a wicker seat. The white paint is chipped and old on both the desk and chair but I love it. I generally like old, slightly falling apart things. It gives them a personal touch.

My book shelf is beside the desk on the other wall stuffed to the point of near explosion with all the books I have acquired over time. I love to read just not books for school. I think English teachers find more meaning in books than the authors originally did. LEAVE THE BOOK ALONE! YOU ARE DESTROYING IT WITH YOUR OVERANALYSIS! Between English teachers and movie writers it's a hard knock life for all books out there.

My other wall is a sliding door closet where my clothes and a small dresser are (both doors unable to be seen under all the posters. Yes, I am a super fan). On the last wall is my queen-sized bed with a blue patterned bedspread and wooden headboard. Like most of my furniture the bed is old and creaks like it's going to collapse every time I roll over on it.

I reach my closet and pull out a pair of black sweatpants from a drawer in my dresser, a neon green regional science fair t-shirt, two random socks and a white and green Aeropostale hoodie. I get dressed, slip on a pair of Nike white, blue and green sneakers and head to the bathroom. Everything I had gotten out of my room was chosen simply because it was on top. I'm just going to school. It's not like I'm trying to impress anyone.

I turn on the light in the bathroom and look into the mirror. My hair looks worse than Albert Einstein's had on a terrible hair day. I look closely at myself in the mirror. My dark brown hair is sticking up in all directions. My eyes are a shocking color orange today but I watch as they slowly melt to neon green to match my cloths. I guess when God was creating me he said 'Well if she's never going to match, I'll make her eyes do it automatically.' It was super annoying. I'm as tan as ever as I don't tan or burn in the sun nor do I get pale from being indoors. Again. Super annoying! Do I have to be so weird naturally? My lips are bubblegum pink even though I never wear any lip gloss. I don't have to. I pick up my brush and start ripping through my hair, trying to tame the wild beast. Finally I am able to trap it in a side braid that falls down halfway to my elbows. Wow I need a haircut. I try to keep my hair short because it is so dang hard to deal with. But at the rate my hair grows, I feel Cousin It's pain. I had a pixie cut just last week. I sigh in frustration at my freakish features. It's not like they were bad per say but they weren't normal. My eyes were perfectly complimenting my outfit and my clear skin and pink lips made me look like I had just perfectly applied makeup. My long eyelashes made mascara useless and my white and straight teeth put dentists to shame. My breath always has the scent of fresh mint leaves on it, no matter what flavor toothpaste I use.

With one look at the clock in the center of the double sink countertop I switch off the light and race down the stairs. I'm going to be late! I make my breakfast, a Yoplait vanilla yogurt with a Quaker chewy chocolate chip granola bar smashed into pieces and put in the yogurt, before gobbling it down like I'd been starving in the desert for four years.

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