Silent Heroes - Chapter 18

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You rushed around frantically after changing into a pair or denim shorts and a royal blue T-shirt. What song should you pick? What  genre should you go for? Hard or soft stage lighting? You looked at your watch. You had ten minutes to get to Demyx’s house. You picked up a stack of paper and headed for the door without any more hesitation.

You reached Demyx’s house and approached the door. You brushed the creases out of your T-shirt and rang the doorbell.

“Zidane?” you questioned as the as your eyes fell upon the young monkey-boy from school.

“What are you doing here?” you added. He simply laughed.

“_____, I live here. Did you forget Demyx and I are brothers?” That’s right. Zidane was Demyx’s younger brother, they had the same surname. You internally slapped yourself for forgetting.

“Sorry Zidane, I completely forgot” you admitted with a sheepish grin. Zidane chuckled again.

“That’s okay _____. Come on in” he moved aside for you to step through the doorway.

Zidane led you to the sitting area of his house. It appeared that you were the last one to arrive. You frowned as you scanned all of the faces of the people who had already arrived. Sora, Roxas and Riku sat across the long couch. Zexion sat on the arm of the couch beside Riku. Axel and Reno sat on a two-seater settee. Marluxia, Demyx and Zack all sat on fold up chairs that Demyx had obviously lifted out for the event. Zidane jumped around the chair that Zack was sitting on and headed for the kitchen, his tail flailing behind him. You smiled at the sight.

“Hey ____, why don’t you come sit with me?” Zack questioned with a grin, distracting you as he tapped his legs. Axel smirked.

“I’m sure _____ will be a little more comfortable over here, got it memorized?” he pushed Reno over so that there’s  a large gap in-between them. You blushed as you went to sit down in between the two Sinclair brothers, ignoring Zack’s glare and Axel’s smirk that had grown even more with his ego.

“Can we just get on with it?” Zexion questioned, eyeing you sitting in-between the two redheads with a frown. You coughed awkwardly as you shuffled the papers in your hands around.

“I think I may have come up with a song” you announced. Reno and Axel peered over your shoulders.

“Accidentally in love?” Reno questioned. His eyes meet yours momentarily.

“Uh, yeah… It’s from a movie back home… It just makes me happy.” You remembered the days when you would sit in-between your parents and watch a movie with a huge bowl of popcorn, that was before it all went wrong. You brushed your thoughts off and glance around the room.

“So are we going to practice of what?” Demyx questioned enthusiastically, picking up the sitar beside him.

“Okay” you nodded as you held a sheet of music out to everyone. You had figured out the chord sequences, notes and beats for the guitar, drums and bass and also added some flair by writing your own music for the keyboard. You figured that you would just let Demyx add his own part.

“Who’s singing?” you questioned as you clutched the final piece of paper in your hand, lyrics. Glances were shared around the room.

Eventually all eyes land upon one person.

“Riku?” you questioned with a smile as you followed everyone else’s gaze. The silver haired boy looked up.

“I cant…” Riku halted as he looked around, his green eyes setting upon you last, “Fine” he huffed as he climbed to his feet and approached you, gently taking the sheet of music from your hand.

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