Wake to the Up

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"Your lunch order Madam"my servant said to me,I pointed to the table beside me with a perfectly manufactured finger.I was having my daily sunbathe. Aweee... it's such a beautiful day. "FAN FASTER!! YOU LASY EXCUSE FOR A HUMAN BEING!!! "I shouted at my other servant faning me, I chuckled when I saw him tremble and repeated sorry a million times... life is soo fun when your extremely rich... I was just about to close my eyes again when suddenly I heard one of my servants came up to me with a bucket of water and shouted in my face "YOU'LL NEVER BE RICH BITCH!!! NEVER!!! "I was soo shock what!! Next they all starting chanting "Wake Up! Wake Up Wake UP " then a bucket of water was splashed in my face again.
I jumped up out of my sleep, to see a smiling sister, darn it! I was in one of those dreams again! "Oh my God! kayla you didn't have to do that! Now the bed's wet!! "I shouted at my older sister, I then smirked when I remembered the fact that we slept on the same bed... "Please don't smirk cause I know what your thinking but bllooop! a burst of Nayla's bubble I ain't sleeping at home tonight! "Kayla said laughing in my face.
I didn't even bother to answer her, I wish I could stay in that dream but noo! She's such a pain sometimes come on it's Saturday!!
I have laundry to do today! My life is very awful.... sometimes. I stepped out of my room, which I share with my older sister because my house only have two rooms, one living room, one kitchen and a bathroom but that's okay because only my sister, dad and I live here.
I dragged my feet to the kitchen to see that my dad had made me breakfast no it ain't lobster and stake lol it's just toast and egg... I quickly ran to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.

After eating my breakfast and doing my duties, I decided to call my boyfriend so we could hang out today at his house, he has never seen my house. I don't want him to know am poor cause he's like extremely rich...
I pull out my phone to call him...
I've called like 15 times and am not getting through to him....I wonder if I should still go see him or should I go to my best friend 's house, her name's Trina Brown,she's really beautiful,but she doesn't believe that.... smh.

I've decided I should go see him, I surprise won't do any harm right.... I should have a little money tho dad always leaves what he's got whenever he goes to work,for me to buy lunch with...

I bought pop corn so we could watch movies. My boyfriend's name is Shane Lock, He's very cute, sweet and absolutely amazing, we've been together for about a year and a half now.... We're happy together and I have no doubt we'll get married in the future..
I chuckled to myself, I have a fairy-tale land built-in my head. My best friend warn me that I should stop or else am gonna get hurt but Shane would never ever hurt me right???
I stopped in front of his gate, I saw his bike, that means he must be home.
I want to see him so surprise he screams like a girl so am gonna climb up that tree and go through his bedroom window....
I did just that and was just about to do that but what I saw when I looked up crashed my whole world, forget what I said earlier, this asshole of a boyfriend is inside knocking a blonde... I didn't know what to do,I jumped out of the tree and ran straight home...
I didn't even know when I started crying, I just felt the warmth on my cheeks.I fell to the ground screaming my heart out...
I cried until I had no tears left... I just sat there and ate the pop corn all to myself...

Well once again Trina was right.... there goes my dreamworld....

N/Y So there it is readers my first chapter!!!!! I really hope you like it if not it will get better just *COMMENT! *VOTE andddd continue reading... Please Please Please comment... give me some ideas... tell me your bad or good comments just please don't be a silent reader....

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