16 --- i'm a flirt ( g. weasley )

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a/n. two more chapters to go, then I'd have finished updating this book :)
What you and George were doing was totally platonic, but it definitely didn't feel like that to everyone around you. Despite the fact that you both insisted you were completely platonic, and the fact that nothing happened between you two for the past four years, you sure loved to flirt.

It wasn't a full fledged romance, of course. You would just pretend to gaze into George's eyes, and he would pretend to blush, flattered by your fake complements. Actually, that wasn't entirely true. You meant a lot of the things you told him, and even George knew it. You thought you were so secure in your friendship that you could be honest with each other without worrying about catching feelings.

Right now, you were sitting with him in the commonroom. It was mostly empty, so you weren't worried about being teased.

"Georgie," You pouted, kicking him lightly with the leg you had laying on his lap. He rolled his eyes playfully and pushed your leg off of him. You laughed when you almost fell off the couch, catching yourself at the last second.

"I hate you," you deadpanned, and he stuck his tongue out at you in response.

It was easy for you to say that. It didn't mean anything, and he knew it. It was impossible to actually hate him. You had to deal with quite the opposite of that. George didn't know about that. He was extremely smart and observative, but you were experienced in hiding your feelings. So when it came to how you felt, George was as oblivious as Harry.

You did try to ask him out before, but he thought it was part of the ongoing joke between you two. So you gave up and just started flirting like crazy, to make up for the feelings that you had to hide.

Your best friend Angelina knew your feelings, of course. She was an expert in love and relationships, even though she hadn't been in many. She was the best at reassuring you every time you freaked out about your feelings for George.

          In all the time you spent thinking about George, you didn't notice how much you were shifting around on the couch. Until he let out a groan, that is. You glanced at him, but he just winced and turned his head away from you.

          "You okay, George?" You asked, but he just shook his head and let out a wheeze. To see him not talking was strange, so you swing your legs off of him and lean forward to look at him. George subtly grabbed a pillow and placed it over his lap. You instantly realized what was wrong.

          "Oh—uh. I'll let you go to, uh, yeah. I have to. . ." You leap off the couch, heat reaching your cheeks, and walk towards the stairs to the girls' dormitories. But George grabs your arm before you go.

          "I'm sorry for everything. I hope this doesn't make things awkward."

          You glance around at the empty room then back at George. You smile and say, "Just go before someone sees you."

          As soon as you were up the stairs and out of George's sight, you ran to the dorm you shared with Angelina and some other girls in your year. The door slammed a bit louder than you anticipated, startling Angelina to her feet.

"Where's the fire?" She joked, a grin on her face. But she frowned a bit when she saw the look on your face. "Hey, you all good?"

You flopped onto your bed, covering your face with your arms and groaning loudly. "I maybe just made George a little. . .excited."

Angelina perked up at those words, instantly understand. "Oh shit. And I'm presuming he's taking care of his. . .broom right now?"

You threw your pillow at her, completely missing her head. She laughed and shook her head. "Quidditch! I'm talking about Quidditch! Gosh it's like you have a crush on him or something. . ."

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