Chapter 4

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  The rest of the week went by quickly, tomorrow is Chris's birthday but he's having a party tonight. We never really went over the details of his party so I'm not sure what to expect. I'm not even sure how old hes turning, I should probably ask. Due to the rotating schedule our school has, I have math last period with Chris. 

  I walked in to the class before the bell rang and found a seat near the back. Keeping my eyes on the door, I waited for my best friend, well only friend, to walk in. "Hey Chris!" I called finally spotting him. He smiled widely at me and took the seat beside me. "Whats up?" He asked turning to face me. "Nothing." I shrugged. "But I was wondering how old you're turning." I continued. "17." He replied with a cocky grin. He was older than I thought he was, almost 2 years older than me since I just turned 15 a few months ago.

  When the bell rang everyone took a seat and our teacher started instructing the class. My eyes kept glancing at the clock, I coudnt wait for school to end. "You should come around 8." Chris whispered with a small smile. I smiled back and nodded. I wish I could tell him how beautiful his smile actually is. I hate hidding my feelings for him.

  "Have a nice day everyone." the teacher ended the class with, causing each kid to shoot from their seats and out into the halls.  "I'll see you tonight." Chris winked at me, I think. okay, I'm pretty sure he winked this time. I smiled to myself as I exited the school and waited for my mom. I honestly couldn't wait until I got my license. "How was your day Damian?" My mom asked pulling up to the curb. "Pretty good." I sighed getting in. 


  It was getting closer and closer to 8 o'clock, I still wasn't sure if I looked alright. Staring at my reflection in the mirror, I sighed and gave up. I'd never be good enough for Christopher, so why even try? "Almost ready to leave Darebear?" I hear my mom yell from the kitchen. "Yup." I called back grabbing Chris's birthday gift enclosed in a small blue box. I got concert tickets to a Pierce The Veil concert next month, I figured I couldn't go wrong with something music related since his whole room and clothing are band merchandise. "You look great sweetie pie." She cooed hugging my side slightly before walking us out to the car. 

"Happy Birthday!" I cheered as Chris let me in. "Thanks Damian." He blushed pulling me into a hug. This is the first time we've actually hugged and I almost melted in his arms.  When we broke away from the hug I looked around. The whole place was crowded with people. Music was blaring from the basement, and it reeked of alcohol even though no one here was even over the age of 18.

  I followed closely behind him to the kitchen. "Want a drink?" He asked pointing to the large display of liquor. I shook my head and reached for a bottle of Pepsi instead. Chris grabbed two cups and poured the soda for us. "This is for you." I shyly stated handing him the blue box as we leaned against the counter with our drinks. "You didn't have to get me anything Damian." He blushed but set down his cup to open it. 

  "Damian! you're seriously the best friend ever." His face lit up as he held the two tickets. "When are we going?" He asked wrapping his arm around my shoulder in a friendly way. "October 9th, but you don't have to take me you can go with anyone you want." i smiled up at him as I leaned into his side. he shook his head. "I wouldn't want to go with anyone but you." He said softly resting his head on mine. "Hey Chris, were starting a game of spin the bottle downstairs, want to join?" A tall guy with bluish hair asked standing in the doorway of the kitchen. "wanna play?" Chris asked looking down at me. i shrugged not really sure since Ive never played before. His hand lowered from my shoulder to my waist and guided me through the mob of dancing teenagers to the basement. 

  "What exactly do you do?" I asked shyly as we joined the ring of people seated on the floor. Chris laughed a little before explaining. "Whoever the bottle lands on has to kiss." He finished with a wink. My  pale face grew to a deep red, and my heart started beating like crazy. I had never had my first kiss. "What if I'm a bad kisser?" I whispered to Chris in panic. "I doubt it." He simply replied resting a hand on my knee.

About 12 of us were sitting in a circle surrounding an empty beer bottle. "I'll spin it!" A young girl probably my age chirped reaching for the bottle. As the bottle spun around and around, we all seemed hypnotized by its movement.  It landed on girl next to me, she clapped her hands smiling and spun the bottle once more to see who she would be kissing. It stopped in front of a boy with long blonde hair across from her. They leaned in towards the center and kissed for a few seconds before pulling away.

  The game got more and more awkward as it went on. So far Chris and I hadnt been landed on which I was relived about. Before I knew it, The bottle was pointing at me. A few kids let out some drunken cheers as I nervously spun the bottle. My hands started to shake and my eyes darted around at each of the players, there was only one person here that I'd ever want to kiss.

  "Happy birthday to me!" I looked over at Chris who was smirking, my eyes shot over to the bottle. It was facing at Chris. I felt frozen, I didn't know what to do, of course I knew I was supposed to kiss him but I was too in shock and disbelief. Suddenly Chris's arms were wrapped around my neck and I was being pulled into a passionate kiss. It was different from everyone else's that were innocent pecks. This was practically a fully make out session. I feverishly kissed him back, wrapping an arm around his waist. I never wanted to stop, it felt amazing but we were holding up the game. Chris broke away from the kiss allowing the next person to spin, but his sparkling eyes never left mine. A permanent smile lit up my face the rest of the night. 

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