Months had passed at Lindall Hall. Nothing much had really happened. Until last Tuesday. Her father, Barnabas, was part of the High Vampire Council, and was often called to visit foreign lands, to be given work to do. Every Sunday, when the clock strikes the thirteenth hour, Barnabas transforms into a bat, spreads his wings and takes flight, into the blistering snow and sooty night sky. He is a rapid flyer and will zoom through the clouds and the stars. Barnabas always leaves on a Sunday and returns on a Tuesday. However, no one saw or heard of Barnabas last Tuesday. No one knew where he was. Parties of vampires were sent out to search but nothing was seen of him. Apparently, a war had started between us vampires and the werewolves of the snowy mountains. Maybe Barnabas went there? Evelyn and her family were all terribly worried. Voltain had volunteered to go into battle, well he didn't exactly volunteer, he didn't have a choice. Once the young vampire turned 11, he could be called up to battle, even without his full vampire powers. He had his teeth which was useful, and his speed, but wasn't able to turn into a bat.
Days had passed, and nothing had been heard. Voltain was finally called up to battle though. Only 11, and was asked to defend his family. I'm sure fear was zooming around through his blood and veins right now. Evelyn and Bellatrix waited and waited. Nothing. Nothing was heard of the men. Every vampire said to them that this war would bring "peace", but what peace would be attained out of this? This would just cause more arguments and battles, and they couldn't risk the lives of their young. On the eleventh hour of the sixth day, a telegraph came through. It read:
"Mrs Bellatrix Lindall,
We are informing you on the death of Octavius Rufus Lindall. He died unexpectedly in the early hours of this morning. I am sorry for your loss."
She held the letter close to her heart.
"My dear father in law. So soon you were taken. Evelyn we must inform your father immediately."
"No buts, Evelyn. Call for your father."
Evelyn went to the window and did her special call for her father. No she awaits for his arrival, to bring him the news of his fathers untimely death.
Barnabas, along with Voltain, returned on the seventh hour of the seventh day. Bloody clothes were worn upon their bodies, and their hands were dirty. Barnabas read the letter, with tears in his eyes, drowning his mouth with sorrow and stopping him for breathing. He looked at Bellatrix confused.
"What is wrong, my dear?" Bellatrix asked.
"Why must my father be gone so soon? Who was cruel enough to take him from this world?"
As soon as Barnabas had said that, another vampire burst through the ancient doors for Lindall Hall.
"I, if I may, shall provide you with the answer to your question, sir."
"And who are you? Who are you to come barging into Lindall Hall?"
"I am your cousin, your fathers favourite nephew. I might be unrecognisable after an incident with a werewolf."
"Oh my. Cousin how could I not recognise you? Children meet Cousin Barry."
"As I was saying, Barnabas. You father was killed by those filthy breathers. I believe it was the father of one who attends the local school here."
Barnabas fell to his knees.
"I will find them, and kill them."
Lindall Hall
VampireEvelyn Lindall was an abnormal teenage girl, whom was the last ancestor of the family of Lindall. She had recently stumbled (and later moved) into her great great Grandfather's (Octavian) castle, where strange things had started to happen. Upon fall...