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I picked up the phone and I dialed her number. The phone rang and rang, but no answer. I repeated this at least eight times until I heard someone pick up at the other end.

"Rachel?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah..." Responded a tiny voice at the other end. There was something strange in her voice, something I didn't recognize.

"Is everything okay?" I said. There was no response for a while until she finally spoke again.

"Yeah... Mhm." She said in an unconvincing voice unlike her own. She sounded like she was holding something back.

"Rachel, really I-" I stopped. She began sniffling and crying. Her breathing became choppy, long gasps and she started sobbing.

"Rachel," I said quickly, "whats wrong?!?! Tell me!"

Her sobs became louder and I became more worried. My heart was racing and my palms were sweating. I was getting anxious and my voice became stern.

"Rachel, what happened?!" I demanded. She could barely speak because she was so emotional, but she chocked out a few words in between sobs. I heard something fall in the background, then she said, "...they beat me again..."

"Rachel," I yelled into the phone, "dont move! I'll be right there!"

I wheeled my bike down the driveway and jumped on at the street. I began to peddle harder and harder and I was gaining speed. Houses, buses and street corners passed by in a blur. My lungs felt like they were ripping apart and my throat burned as I took in air. I ignored the pain and kept going. My anger and worry fueled my energy and kept me going. All I could think about was Rachel, and I wouldn't stop until I got to her house.

When I reached her driveway, I jumped off my bike and threw it in the hedges to the side of me. I leaped up the steps to the front door and easily flung it open (as it was never locked). I glanced around the first floor quickly. Left, then right. I ran up the stairs and rapidly pounded up each step.

"Rachel?! Rachel!" I called on the top of my lungs. I cut the corner at the top of the stairs and ran to the bedroom directly across from me. I knew it was hers.

"Rachel!" I screamed. The door was locked. I leaned on the door listening, but I didn't get an answer. I pounded on the door with my right fist and turned the handle vigorously with my left hand. No use. I was banging the door with my fists and shouting her name. I stopped when I heard a faint sound coming from behind the door. It was Rachel crying. I panicked.

"Rachel! Rachel!" I yelled as I paced back and forth. Leaning my face on the door, I called to her again.

Then I backed up and kicked down the door.

There was Rachel sitting in the center of her room, on the floor leaning her back against her bed. She was still wearing the same clothes she had on in school today- an oversized light purple long-sleeved shirt and leggings- except they were covered in holes, rips, and blood stains. She sat there hugging her knees to her chest with one arm and sobbing into the sleeve of the other. She had pulled the sleeve of her shirt down into her palm and was trying to wipe her eyes with it.

I ran to her. I kneeled down in front of her and placed one hand on her shoulder and the other on her knee. She flinched when I touched her. I looked her up and down again and again and couldn't believe what I was seeing. I was gasping for air and could barely speak to begin with, but the sight of her wiped my mind blank.

She looked up at me from her sleeve. Her bright blue eyes were red an filled with watery tear drops. Swollen and black her right eye was almost completely shut. Her eyes darted back and forth across my face with a look I will never forget. Her eyes were filled with sadness, searching for hope, and pleading to me for help. Her expression was lost and broken. The cuts on her body that were visible were flowing fresh blood. Her right hand, wrapped around her knees, was mangled. I looked at her and I didn't know what to say. I couldn't even think. I couldn't speak. I turned my gaze away from her and lowered my eyes.

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