chapter one.

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it's only 8 chapters.


On that cold Saturday morning, Jacob pushed his shopping cart along the deserted hallway.

He grabbed ingredients off the shelves, shoving them into his cart while he unconditionally hummed to a song that had been stuck in his head the past week. Jacob turned into another aisle, glancing at the shelves for the last thing on his shopping list. He sighed, glancing quicker, eagerly wanting to find the product. It was only a 10 minutes ago that Jacob walked inside here with nothing on him, passing the cashier with a small nod of the head to show acknowledgement. Jacob didn't want to embarrass the poor boy in front of his boss, who coinsedently stood beside him, watching him bag the groceries with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

He simply walked by, with charlie slowly trugging behind him. Charlie's eyes were glued to his phone if it wasn't for Jacob's concern, the boy would have wandered off along the supermarket, losing his way all together. Charlie stood behind Jacob, swiping his hand along his phone furiously, trying to convince his friend that Luke wasn't on his mind right now. Charlie needed to get new friends. All his other ones were aware of his thoughts and if this kept happening, Charlie would end up never being able to lie about anything.

Luke was a boy that attended the same college that Jacob and Charlie went to. With blonde hair, dreamy eyes and a smile to die for, he captured the heart of Charlie the first time he walked into their english class, stumbling over his own two feet. Luke wasn't the loud type. The boy would sit behind Charlie in English, occasionally kicking the back of his chair by mistake, resulting in his cheeks to get bright red and lines of apologies stringing out of his mouth, causing Charlie to turn back to face the poor boy.

Jacob himself didn't understand the crush. He couldn't see his muscular friend, Charlie, going after someone who hardly looked up from their textbook to say hello. Jacob didn't like Luke. He called him a rude and spiteful piece of shit which resulted in him and Charlie not speaking for a couple hours. Charlie didn't care if people didn't understand his crush. He liked Luke and if he wanted to, he would get the kid. Only, Luke was very blind and naive. Charlie's constant attempts to woo the boy went unnoticed and he was left feeling sad about his whole dating life for hours on end until he saw the boy again.

"Here," Charlie muttered, dropping the can of sweetcorn into the cart.

Jacob sighed in relief, walking away from the aisle he was in with Charlie trailing behind, eyes still glued to his phone. Charlie glanced up occasionally, watching the back of Jacob's head to make sure the boy was still in front of him, pushing the cart filled with enough food to fill their fridge for months. Jacob turned the cart into the last aisle, reaching for the snacks at the top of the shelves. He grunted, glancing back at Charlie who leaned against the other aisle, typing, once again, furiously at his phone.

"You know," Jacob spat, throwing the snacks into the cart once he got a hold of them. "If you keep your eyes on your phone, you might just hit something." He said, pushing the cart once again. Charlie shrugged his shoulders, ignoring Jacob's threat as if it wasn't important to him.

Charlie shoved his phone into his pocket. "I was talking to Luke." He said, taking some more snacks off the shelve. "He was telling me about his holiday with his parents," Charlie informed an uninterested Jacob as they walked over to the till. Jacob nodded his head whilst Charlie filled it with unnecessary information, glancing at the cashier to see if he would recognise Jacob at any point. The young boy cowered under his boss' gaze, avoiding eye contact with Jacob, who was oblivious to the man standing beside him, watching him do his work.

"Luke told me that when he comes back we can get together." Charlie spoke, unloading the cart onto the conveyer belt. "What do you think that mean?" He asked Jacob, leaning against the till.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2022 ⏰

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