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Today is the day I've been waiting for. The day when the moon is new. It sheds no light yet illuminates everything. Even for a werewolf my birth was strange. Upon my birth I was already changed. I was born as wolf not as human. So I suffer where others do not and I excel where they cannot. For me light hurts. Not like some lame vampire but it hurts my eyes. See because of my birth I always have the eyes of a wolf. Which by the way is very sensitive to light. So I prefer to do anything at night. Which is amazing because at night everything shines brighter. Yes I know me and light don't mix but under the night everything has a different kinda light to me. Thanks to my lovely ice blue eyes. I just graduated top of my class and have a wonderful job. Just lacking a mate. At age of maturity all weres are already starting families. Me? Cast away and pushed around. Thanks to my freak birth. Both races shun me. But it gives me lots of time to study and run free. It gets lonely though. But then my best friend comes around and smacks me back into normality. See she isn't normal either. She is a primal. People who are either immortal or who have powers over elements. And heather just happens to have sway over all elements. So when new moon comes around and my change happens she's always there to kee me company.  Anyway this stuff is boring. This story is about me ascending to my destiny and learning that those we trust most can be our worst threat and hurt the most.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2016 ⏰

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