Chapter 3

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It was a nice, bright morning in the dorm of Rin and Yukio. They were both sitting at the table together eating breakfast before they had to set off for classes. Rin was hungrily taking large bites out of his poor, poor piece of toast and Yukio was just about to dig into his bowl of cereal when the door to their kitchen slammed wide open.

"I KNOCKED UP MY BROTHER!!!" Mephisto sang loudly walking happily into the room. Rin sputtered and choked on his toast and Yukio made a disgusted face and pushed away his cereal, not hungry. "Please, tell me, what force compelled you to run in here and scream that," Yukio twitched looking at the extremely happy man, "And please tell me your lying."

"Naw, I kid, I only made out with him on my bed last night," Mephisto chuckled pulling out an empty chair and sat at the table. "That's still disgusting and unnerving," Yukio responded right away, very negatively. Rin responded equally negatively... Just in a completely different Rin-Like fashion. "WHAT THE HELL!? You what... WITH YOUR BROTHER!?" Rin sputtered and out bursted loudly, "YOUR GAY!? THAT IS DISGUSTING!!"

"No, I knocked up my mother and I'm as straight as an octagon," Mephisto rolled his eyes, pausing, "......But that's not as disgusting as Yukio's sex dreams about you!!!" The older demon shouted as he pointed at the glasses wearing teacher. "Wha-" Yukio could barely managed out a sufficient retort to the obvious lie before Rin's face closely resembled the face of a small child in pure horror, and ran out of the room faster then lightning strikes.

Mephisto burst out in loud cackling laughter while Yukio whipping around and glared at him intensely. "Ahaha! Aha! Ha Ha! I'm soooo unnecessary..!" Mephisto managed between the cackles. "Your a sick, sick person," Yukio growled at him looking disgusted. "I know," The older male chuckled and got up from his chair, "And this sick, sick, doggy got paper work. I just dropped in to ruin your life and make sure Rin hasn't lost total control. Toodles~"

The demon wiggled his fingers at Yukio and turned and walked out the door came in. Yukio just stood there twitching unhappily. Great, How was he suppose to face his older brother now?


"Uggghhhhh.... Oh dear lord," Mephisto groaned as he stumbled in his quarters, "I'm so tired, I could sleep on my eyeballs right now and not feel a thing." Mephisto groggily walked up his stairs slowly taking off layers of his clothing as he made his way to his room. He'd pick up the mess tomorrow when he would have more energy. First his hat came off, then gloves, then cape, then coat, and by the time he got to his room he was down to his necktie, shirt, shorts, and tights.

He didn't bother to slink over to his massive-ass-closet to get a kimono, he just went over to his bed ready to crawl in and pass right out. But when he lifted his covers to crawl in there was something under there that caused him to stumble back and scream in surprise, nearly tripping over something on the floor and smash his head into the hardwood. If it wasn't Amaimon that was in his bed Mephisto would have punted Behemoth into the nearest wall for nearly making him fall and crack his skull open. But he didn't. Yet.

"Amaimon what the hell are you still doing here!?" Mephisto yelled angrily, settling for stepping on the small plump demon to walk back over to his brother, "Your supose to be back home!! I thought we talked about this! Dad is going to be pissed!!" Amaimon peered up sleepily from the spot where he was curled up on Mephisto's bed. If he was going to refuse to leave his bed Mephisto didn't think he could bring himself to kick the poor little demon out of it.

Amaimon looked a little pale. "Hey, you okay Ototo?" Mephisto asked lifting his hand to press it lightly to his younger brother's forehead. He was pretty warm. "Oh, hey Aniki," Amaimon mumbled the older could barely hear him, "I wasn't feeling too good when you left this morning so I laid down. I didn't know I fell asleep for that long. I'll be on my way out now."

"Now hold on," Mephisto frowned and put a hand on his brother's shoulder as he tried to get out of bed, "You don't feel too good. You should stay here and rest a bit more and head out when your feeling up for it." Amaimon stared at him a couple moments but nodded in agreement, still trying to climb out of the bed. "Where do you think your going?" Mephisto asked finally deciding to push his brother back on the bed.

"I was going to go sleep in the guest room so I don't get you sick."

"Like hell you are," Mephisto rolled his eyes and crawled into his bed next to him. He locked his arms and legs around the smaller demon so he couldn't squirm his little skinny body away and pulled the covers over the both of them. The older demon sighed contently and nuzzled the younger demon's head a bit before going quiet, breathing slowing a bit. Amaimon just laid there, nose buried into Mephito's polka dot neck tie.

"The lights are still on Aniki."

Mephisto groaned.

"Honestly, Amaimon, the lights are the last thing I care about right now. They stay on because I am not getting up to turn them off."

Amaimon didn't bother to reply because Mephisto let out an angry grunt and instantly drifted back to sleep. He must have been really tired, Amaimon mused snuggling up to his brother's warm chest, shifting so he was comfortable. He just hoped he would be feeling better in the morning and that he didn't get his brother sick from the close contact.

~*~Once upon a time there was a girl name Susie. She used to live on this part of the story- BUT THE SCENE CHANGE FALCON PUNCHED HER RIGHT THE HELL OUTTA HERE!!!~*~

Mephisto woke up groggily to an empty bed. He sat up, eyes blinking a couple of times, before he even realized something was missing. "Hm, guess Ototo was feeling better," Mephisto flopped back onto his bed and outstretched his hand towards his side table. He felt around on top of it till his hand came in contact with his alarm clock, pulling it back towards himself.

"Hnnnmnnnn... 12: 53. Damn," He sat up and placed the alarm clock back on his side table. Swinging his legs over the side of his bed, Mephisto shuffled out of his room and down the hall to his bathroom. "I'm so glad, I shouldn't be having any paper work for a while. I can sleep in more like this, harass Yukio and Rin, and walk around campus in my dog form," He yawned loudly and opened the door to his bathroom.

...And slammed it shut seconds after yelling loudly, "HOLY!!! AMAIMON!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY BATHROOM!?"

"I'm taking a bath Aniki. That's what most people do in their bathroom," Amaimon said casually scooping up some bubbles in his hands. He sucked in a breath and blew out, blowing the bubbles out around the bathroom smiling almost happily. "Well I know that!! But.. Come on!! You could have put something on the door!! Like a note, a tie," The older demon paused waving his arms unhappily, "Something!! I thought you left!!"

"Nope, Though I was considering it because I woke up and was feeling all right, but I still wasn't up for it. So I came in here to wash my face, and I thought I would take a bath. It's quite relaxing," Amaimon said scooping up more bubbles, "Would you like to join me, Aniki?" Mephisto slumped against the door, eye twitching occasionally at the mental thought of bathing with his brother.

And right when he was about to say no a thought struck him. "Is Behemoth with you?"

"Yeah. Behemoth is bathing with m-"

Mephisto slammed open the door, already taking off his shirt angrily.


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