Remember Me

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I woke up slowly and sat up on my bed. “What a strange dream.” I murmured to myself. Usually my dreams were about a boy and his friends and a dog and a duck but this one was different.

There was a boy with flaming red hair and bright green eyes. On his face were upside down teardrop tattoos right underneath his eyes. He was wearing a black coat and a smirk. It was strange but I felt that I should know him somehow but I don’t. He seemed to be trying to tell me something and yet I couldn’t hear anything.

Turning my head to the side I noticed what time it was and jumped into action. “If I’m late for the Struggle tournament Hayner will kill me.” I said quickly as I raced to get dressed. And he was already angry with me from yesterday.

Thankfully I got there in time and watched on excitedly as it all started.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, Struggle-fiends of Twilight Town. It’s time for summer’s most sizzling clash!” The Ref guy called out to the crowd that had gathered to watch. “That’s right! Today is the day for the struggle and Title match!” The crowd cheered loudly.

“Who will be the one to break through the ranks and take on our champion Setzer!?” He continued but whatever next was said I didn’t quite catch because my mind was somewhere else entirely.

I couldn’t help but think back to the red haired man in my dreams; I just could not get him out of my head. Hayner soon got my attention as they announced us. It turned out to be me versus Hayner and ViVi versus Seifer.

I beat Hayner and Vivi beat Seifer so it seemed that it was us up next. I hope Hayner isn’t to mad at me for beating him. We made up though so that lifted the weight on my shoulders ever so slightly.

Seifer walked past me with his little gang and muttered to me, “That’s not Vivi, thrash him.” Then he walked off and I made my way to the stage.

“Keep it clean, fellas.” The Ref guy said as he handed us our Struggle bats.

“And now the match you’ve been waiting for: Vivi vs. Roxas!” The Announcer exclaimed.

Vivi was better than I thought but when I was about to take a swing at him something strange happened. Time seemed to stop as everyone around me froze.

Something even stranger happened; Vivi turned into one of those white things I had fought the other day. More of them appeared and suddenly my struggle bat turned into the strange key from before.

“Roxas alright, fight, fight, fight.”  A voice called out. I turned to see a tall man in a black coat with the hood up. He was clapping his hands together as he made his way towards me. I felt as if I should know that voice but I couldn’t place it.

“Do I know you?” I asked confusedly and couldn’t help but noticed that he seemed to falter slightly.

“You really don’t remember?” He continued stepping closer to me. “It’s me, you know…” He pulled off his hood reveling red hair and a face that I had dreamed about just last night. “Axel,” He finished with a smirk.

I couldn’t help but think that the name Axel fit the man.

“Axel?” I said and he stopped a few feet away from me.

“Talk about Blank with a capital ‘B’. Man oh man, even the dusks aren’t going to crack this.” Axel continued with slight humor in his voice. Something appeared in his hands covered in flames. They seemed to be some type of weapon that were circular in shape and colored bright red like his hair.

“Wait a sec, tell me what’s going on.” I told him as I saw them, my grip tightening ever so slightly on the key in my hand.

“This town is his creation, right?” He said as he looked around. “Which means we don’t have time for a Q & A. Your coming with me conscious or not, Then you’ll hear the story.” 

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