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Courtney's pov
I woke up with someone knocking on my door. I sat up, Sam came in. "Morning sleepy head" he said. I smashed a pillow on my face "what do you want?" I said.

"The hot water isn't working again" he said. I took the pillow off my head and rolled my eyes. He smirked and went in my bathroom.

I got up and opened the door to the bathroom. "Court-" Sam started "yeah it's me...sorry I'm just brushing my hair" I said picking up my brush.

I just finished my hair when I heard a knock. "Courtney, honey can I use your curler" my mom said.

"Um sorry mom I'm in the shower" I lied, "I'll just be a second" she said.

I looked around and at the shower, no Courtney no, but what would she think? I have to. I covered my eyes and got in the shower. I heard the door open and opened my eyes.

Sam was looking at me about to say something. I put my hand over his mouth. I pointed to where my mom was.

My t shirt was soaked and I kept my eyes locked on his to keep my emotions in control. Sam started to smiled and laugh silently. I smiled and laughed.

"Thanks Courtney" my mom said leaving the bathroom. I got out of the shower and opened the door. I was so wet, I slipped my shirt off witch revealed my nude bra.

I felt a hand on my arm that pulled me around. Sam looked at me with his hazel eyes. He was shirtless again, and he had a towel wrapped around his torso. He pulled me close and kissed me, it was a long kiss but we broke away.

I looked down at his bare chest "you shouldn't have done that" I said. He touched my chin which felt like electricity. I looked up at him "well I'm going to do it again" he said moving his hand to my cheek.

His lips touched mine, I pulled away and turned around. "Um...I should get dressed" I said. "Yeah I probably should too" he said walking out of the room.

I put my hands on my head, I kicked the carpet. I grabbed my bag and went downstairs, Sam came out of his room and grabbed his bag. "Ready?" I said. He nodded.

I got in the car and so did he, we were silent the whole way. When we got to school I got out and started walking towards school. "Courtney! Can we talk?" Sam called.

"No" I said, "why not?" He said. I didn't answer  I just kept walking.

I went to my locker and Britney and Ashley were waiting. I grabbed my books and slammed my locker. "You okay?" They both asked. "Yup, fine" I said.

I walked to science and sat down. I can not believe he kissed me and I kissed him back. Ugh this is a disaster!

The bell rang and I barely got any work done. I quickly gathered my things and went to my locker.

I had language arts and today we were in the library looking for a book to do our report on.

I headed to the library which is surprisingly really big, once I got lost. Of course Sam's class was there too. I was hoping he didn't notice me, to late!

I sat down next to Britney and Ashley. Our teacher let us go and find a book so I got up and started my journey through the tall shelves of books.

I looked around for any interesting books. My eyes scrolled the shelves and then they fell onto  Sam standing at the other end of the shelve.

He was leaning on a shelve and with one hand holding a book and the other in his sweatpants pocket.

He met my gaze and shut the book. He put his other hand in his pocket and walked towards me.

I quickly walked to the back wall where no one was and tried to distract myself from him.

I turned around and he had his hand above me, great I was trapped. "Now you wanna talk" he said, I glared at him.

Then he glared at me? It was weird, "I just figured it want me" he said going back to his smirk face.

"What?!!" I said trying to move but Sam put his other hand above me. "Admit it you want me" he said.

"Forget it I don't want know you are so full of your think that every girl in a mile radius wants you....sure maybe that might be true but I think you want me and the reason you want me is that I don't want you" I said.

He stayed silent "ok sure whatever but you were the one who kissed back" he said smiling. His face was only inches from mine.

" I don't want you" I said strongly, he looked directly at me and put his hands down. I walked away. I turned around and he was looking at the ceiling, I looked at him and then he looked at me.

I turned to the corner and walked back to my table regretting every word I said.

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