When I turned six,
She doesn't seem to understand
Give me a nod, a smile, a single word
My cousin is stuck in a dreamland
Forced to be together,
I found this absurd.
'She's weird and so odd'
I'd mutter, playing God
When I turned eight,
I convince myself she is fine
I lived in a realm of denial
This was not by design
I wouldn't put her on trial
For I am the one not perceiving
She's just like me
She is no opposite
When I turned ten,
They flat out told me 'she is different'
Shattered, like thin glass, my reality crashes
My walls replaced by numbness
There's a tightness in my stomach
How could I be so blind, so ignorant?
When I turned twelve,
My indifference had faded
Replaced by understanding, this is simply fated
She is not any less than I, her life is not wasted
Troubles and tribulations she might encounter
But shame on I if I dare to be so sour
When I turned sixteen,
I watched her dance
The stage became her haven
From a world that didn't always give her a chance
Pure joy in her eyes
We all start to tear
She's as lovely as a butterfly
She may be different,
At the age of fourteen
And that's okay
Because I love her, the two of us hand in hand
For I am the one who didn't truly understand
PoetryA collection of original poetry and short stories (Because sometimes I get into that artsy-fartsy mood)