[4] Scarin' the Chinaboy

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I went back to the tent once the sun began to rise. I waited for Shane to get up before I would, that way he wouldn't ask questions. I had to wait a couple hours, but years of hunting with Daddy had taught me patience.

As soon as he left the tent, I changed my shirt. Why I didn't change into it right away, was beyond me.

"Idiot . . ." I grumbled to myself as I did the buttons up. I couldn't hide my throwing knife in my sleeve this time, the blouse was too big. I stepped out of the tent, and when I was sure no one saw me, I went to my hiding place and put my knife away. Going back to the front of the tent I find myself walking into Lori.

"S-sorry," I said. She opened her mouth to respond, only to close it and take a step back, eyeing me from head to toe.

"You changed," she said, surprised. "Where'd you get that shirt?"

I shrugged, "the boxes by the RV, Merle showed me."

She scrunched her eyebrows together, "Dixon?"

I nodded.

She stared sceptically for a moment. She opened her mouth to say something, but I interrupted, "I'm kinda hungry." I said hesitantly. I didn't remember eating at all the day before, and I knew if I didn't soon it would catch up to me. "Do . . . do you have anythin'?"

Lori raised her eyebrows as if shocked I had spoken. She smiled and nodded her head. It was different from the smiles she usually gave, Shane always gave one similar. One with concern, sadness behind their eyes. Although, I wasn't sure why. It wasn't hard to tell they were fake.

But the smile Lori was giving me at that moment seemed different, she seemed genuinely happy. I didn't know why. She placed her hand on my back, leading me away from the tent and to a group of people eating. It wasn't the entire group, but most were there.

Lori sat me beside Shane on the ground, "she said she wants something to eat."

Shane glanced from me to Lori, several times, "you're going to join us?"

I nodded. The side of Shane's mouth twisted up into a crooked smile. Just like Lori's, it was different than usual. What are they so happy about?

Lori sat beside me and started filling a bowl for me. I felt a tad claustrophobic, I wasn't used to sitting with them like this. Usually, when I ate, I took my food into the tent or sat far away to eat alone. As I ate, I could feel both Lori's and Shane's eyes on me. I pretended I didn't notice.

"Carl is still asleep, he should be up soon," Lori told me.

"Oh. Okay." That was all I said. Why is she telling me this? I stood up and took my dirty dish to put it in a bin with the others.

"Sweetheart," Lori appeared at my side, crouching to my level. "How about we get you cleaned up, brush your hair a bit?"

"Oh! I can braid it!" I heard a flighty voice say. A blonde, who had been sitting with us, walked over, a smile on her face. I didn't remember her name but had seen her around camp with another blonde that I believed was her sister.

They both stared, waiting for a response. Lori wasn't smiling anymore, but her eyes seemed pleading.

"Uh . . . Okay," I said.

Lori's happy-self returned at my words, and the blonde jumped up excitedly.

I let Lori lead me to a plastic lawn chair as I tried to remember the last time I had actually brushed my hair. I had rinsed my hair out in the quarry but hadn't really washed it, or brushed it, I just put it up and tried to forget it existed.

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