Chapter 2

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    Dreams. They're funny little things. You have them, then hardly remember them if you remember at all. Now my dreams were always quite weird usually involve stupid things, like fighting off the demon slash water thingy. With my aunt they're dreams of killing cauliflower, and then making my aunt eat a goddamned burger. Yet no, not tonight; because tonight I dreamt of Grandpa. He was smiling at me, giving me his army tag thing. I put it around my neck and Bryce called me gay for wearing a necklace. Thanks Bryce, so typical. That was it though, no demons, no cauliflower, no weirdness. Just completely normal. When I woke up it was around six, so what's the point in going back to sleep. 

    I went to the kitchen to make some breakfast, now when you're living in a vegeterian/health freak house hold making good food is quite hard. My aunt had already made a mess of her daily breakfast shake which involved all the lettuce. I can't believe her sometimes; anyway I just grabbed a banana and ate that, I mean that's good enough right? My mind kept going to my grandpa, and why I dreamt of him. It meant something, it had to. I forgot about it pretty soon though.

     I could probably play the banjo all day. Weren't expecting that were you, huh? Yup. I play the banjo, I am possibly the whitest boy you could ever meet and I play the banjo, be proud America, be proud. With that in mind, I probably did play the banjo for most of the day at least while Aunt Hilda was out and I didn't have the car. Not that I could drive anyway, I was fifteen and my mom had this theory that even though I have my permit I shouldn't drive until I'm sixteen, I don't know some stupid old tradition she did it and Aunt Hilda did it too. 

   Aunt Hilda was weird, she was very popular and smart, that's what my mom told me. That she was head cheerleader, perfect life. Then she met this guy who wasn't so nice I guess, my mom said this guy would hit her and threaten her. One day I guess he actually did, my mom said that Aunt Hilda was in the hospital for a while and when she got out she was very sad. I guess I get it, I was really sad when Dad died. But Aunt Hilda went back to this guy and eventually she found out he was so much more worse than what she initally thought. Aunt Hilda told me that he raped her a few times and a few other of her friends. She said that he even raped my mom, and my mom doesn't like to talk about it. She thinks my mom likes to forget it, she likes to forget when bad things happen. She hated him, my mom. 

     Aunt Hilda said that I should never do that to a girl so that's always kept in mind, I guess. I've had one girlfriend but that was in like the fifth grade and I don't think either of us were thinking about that. But this guy I guess had some problems and killed himself a few months after my Aunt Hilda came back to him. She was with him for 4 years. At the funeral my mom met my dad, and well you know what happened afterwards, normal stuff. But my Aunt she went through a tough time, my mom says she was in the hospital for a while and even saw a physchologist daily. I guess I admire my Aunts strongness. 

      No one ever tells me why she's all vegan though. Huh. I'll have to ask. 

      Later that day Aunt Hilda came back from her excercise group or something. I stayed up in the room, she came in knocking which was weird. She looked sad and almost dead. Pale, white pale. The oval shaped glasses were just about on her nose, her blonde hair looked white, ghost white, and her body looked frail. I was worried, I may not like her way, but I like my Aunt.

      "What's wrong Aunt Hilda?" I said sitting up. She just looked at me as if there was so much wrong she couldn't say. 

    "Oh Dominic, nothings wrong." she moved over and sat next to me, sniffing. I looked at her, something was wrong. "You remember the day your father died?" I nodded, of course I did, he's my dad I can't just forget that. I was really worried now. "Well sweetie, your mother just called." she is not helping. "She told me about your grandfather, he's coming to stay with you?" I nodded again. "Well Dominic, take good care of him. He's very...ill. Your mother needs you to stay with him, and we don't know if he'll make it. The doctor said he has good chances, actually very good chances. Just promise you'll keep him happy, instead of down and sad." I pinky promised. That's how my Aunt knew that I was serious. That's how anyone knew I was serious. 

         "I will. I pinky promise" she smiled and laughed slightly. 

         "Good, Dom." she got up and went to the door "Dinners going to be ready soon" I nodded at her, about to put my headphones on again. "And Dom?"


          "I love you kiddo." 

          "I love you too Aunt Hilda." I love you too. 

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