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Now, I'm going to list words that have TILDE.

Campeón- Champion ; This word is AGUDA.
The "c" in this word is pronounced like the "c" in Cut. The "a" is pronounced like the "U", in the word cUt. The "m" is exactly the same as in English. The "p" is slightly different from the one in English. In order to pronounce that letter , you have to release less air. ( Be careful, if you releae too much air , the letter will not longer be a "p", it will become a "b" instead. ). The "e" is pronounced the same as the one in the word met. Now, as the "o" has a tilde, it is pronounced stronger than the other letters in the word. (A "TILDE", is used to show which syllable is stressed). In this case, "cam-pe-ón", has 3 syllables, the stressed one is "ón". Your tone must descend, once you've reached the last syllable. And finally the "n" in English , as I've noticed, requires a higher tone of voice.

Let's go with another word .
Lápiz- Pencil; This word is LLANA.
There aren't many words that are Llanas. (As you've seen , the word Llana has double "l". It means that both "l" are pronounced as a "y". Like the one in the word "Yellow").
The "l", in the word "lápiz", is pronounced the same as in English. The "a" , is pronounced as the "u", in the word "cUt".
* If you don't mind , I'm going to skip the sounds I have already taught you their pronounciation.
The " z" is a fairly complicated to pronounce, especially for foreigners. You have to try to place your tongue between the front teeth, as if you were to stick your tongue out at somebody, but when you close your mouth, the tongue has to remain inside. Now, you open it again, and try to release a little bit of air. Can you imitate a snake's hiss? Well, let me say that a "z" has basically, the same sound. The only difference between those 2 is that, in a snake's hiss the tongue is behind the front teeth, and in a "z", the tongue is between the front teeth. In this word, the stressed syllable is in "lá".

Lágrima-Tear; This word is ESRÚJULA.
The stressed syllable is in "lá".
The" g ", sounds the same as the one in the word "Got".
To pronounce the "r", you have to put the tip of the tongue, against the palate and make it vibrate. ( I don't know if I made myself, clear enough. If not, please don't doubt to comment, even if it's to criticize me).
Ábremelo - Open it; This word is SOBRESDRÚJULA.
This word doesn't contain any letter I haven't, already, taught you how to pronounce it.
In words that are LLANAS, ESDRÚJULAS AND SOBRESDRÚJULAS, the tone of your voice must be higher in the stressed syllables.

And that's it. Bye!!!

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