laceys POV
''hey im back'' i give liam a smaal smile when i walk by the living room where he is watching tv
''HIIIIIIIII MISSSSSS LLLAACCCCCCEEEYYYYY!!!'' i see louis come bounding down the steps
''hey louis'' i say in a small voice looking at him skeptically
''gurlll we need to teach you how to yell and SCREAAAAAAAAMMMMMMM'' louis sassily walks away
''alllrighty than'' i strut to the kitchen
''why the hell are you walking like that!?'' niall glares at me in disgust
''sorry ill be up in my room'' i look at the floor and quickly make my way up the stairs
niall POV
''why the hell are you walking like that!?'' i sneer at lacey
''sorry i wll be up in my room'' she scurrys out of the kitchen
i know what your thinking, why am i acting like this?, i dont know. im scared to tell lacey i like her and its too hard to be around her and know shes not mine, so im trying to convince myself i hate her. and its not easy . i want ot jump off a bridge just for saying that . but i cant quit now
we are all watching my sisters keeper, harry and arrynns choice but lacey has not came out of her room, its worrying me. arrynns basically on louis's lap crying with harry on louis's other shoulder sobbing jeeze quiet the man louis
(the seating on the couching)
[liam zayn niall] [arrynnlouisharry]
''hey look who came out of her den'' arrynn wipes her tears away and turns her attention to the doorwys as we all do
''wanna come watch the movie with us?'' asks liam
''nahh these movies arent really in my fortue''
''oh yeah forgot your cold hearted'' arrynn snickers
''she also cant scream or yell'' adds louis
''or the fact that shes too quiet and confident for her own good'' arrynn breaks out laughing as we all do
''she could also loose a few pounds'' harry giggles
''thanks guys nice to know you love me'' lacey rools her eyes
''oh comeon you know its true'' arrynn yells
''wow nice to know chicks before dicks apply here'' lacey tears up and walks away
it made my heart break into peices when i saw lacey's glossy eyes, i need to stop the act before i take it to far
hope ya like it