Part 1

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Anya is a teenager who meets the love of her life. They meant so much to each other and then the words "I love you" come out of his mouth, she has too decide if having a black soul changes the fact that she loves him?

"Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" Mr.Salazar asked

"Anya" he called out as I tried to avoid eye contact with him and everyone else in the room

"Now Anya were do you see yourself in 5 years?"


As I thought of something else to say while the whole classes attention was on me.

"In a..." As I murmured out loud

"A what?" He said with a sharp voice

"A black room"I said just loud enough for him to hear

"A black room? What are you going to be a painter?' Lucy Bex responded

As everyone laughed and I covered my face feeling it burn up turning blood red I heard, a boys voice

"I rather be a painter that a stuck up brat" as everyone's laughter stopped and turned to a long "ooooh"

Lucy smacked her lips as she said "whatever" while rolling her eyes

After the bell rang and I was opening my locker I heard the same voice

"The names Chuck" he said without thinking twice

"Well Chuck ... I appreciate the save but, you didn't have to say anything"

"Why just saving another damsel in distress" he said very cocky.

"A damsel? Really?"I asked

"Yeah, especially from Lucy Bex, which is going to cause me a very embarrassing scene in 5th period" as I said thinking about everything that might happen

"Don't you ever plan to stand up to her. You should take a chance!"he said loudly as he walked away and I closed my locker

My pen fell, as I was leaning down trying not to drop my books and finally reached the pen the bell rang, as a heard of kids passed as I fell gasping for air and closing my eyes

"You're late Ms.Everding!"Ms.Locksen said with a deep voice looking at me with the corner of her eyes as I ran to my seat

I heard Lucy whisper something and laugh with her group of minions

School had finished as I was walking home I hear Chucks voice

"Wait up" Chuck said gasping for air as he came running after me

"Chuck? What do you want to give me another tip to how to stand up to Lucy Bex?" I asked as he looked down and bent grabbing his knees still gasping for air

"No just wanted to talk" he said

"About?"I asked

"Anything, well where do you live?"he said looking at me with a smirk


"Well what street, I live in 5th and Bein"

"I'm on 4th and Bein" as I looked up at him

"Hmm" he said

"Why is it so hard for you to let people in for us too become friends?" He said as squishing in his eye brows

"I'll tell you when I find out myself" I replied looking up at him

We walked home and talked the whole way.

This became a daily thing walked to school, hanged out in school, and walked home. In the weekend he would come over to my house and me to his summers we went or road trips. In the winter we went to cabins in the woods, well we became very close and I cared for him so very much.

On my 18 birthday he took me to a wooden bench on a bridge in front of a pond and brought me a bouquet of white tulips which are my favorite, and he handed me a little black box with a apricot ribbon.

"My favorite flowers, and my favorite colors on a box and ribbon, you didn't have too" I said with a huge smile on my face, laughing a little bit

"Open the box" he said laughing while looking down at me and I was looking up

As I opened it I was so surprised holding the box in my right hand and the tulips on my left I threw my self hugging him as I was tippy toeing, tears coming down my cheeks

"Did you like it" he said while holding me tight.

"Did I like it I...I... I loved it" said as tears kept running down my cheeks.

"Don't cry." He said wiping the tears off my cheeks

"A charm bracelet thank you " I said looking deeply at him in the eyes

"Well after knowing you all these years I didn't know what the perfect gift was then I remembered in our jr year when we went to the carnival in the summer I saw the way you looked at the bracelet" he said with a little smirk

"Chuck thank you so much and it's perfect and how did you remember" as I looked down and tears kept running down

"Well, it was a moment with you I remember ever second I spent with you"he said

He grabbed the box and grabbed the charm bracelet as he put it on my wrist and with his hand he moved my hair from my face his hand went down my face.

He grabbed me from the waist very tight and kissed me on the lips, as I put my arms around him and kissed him back and I backed off.

"What?" He said still grabbing me from the waist

"This can't happen... We can't happen" as I walked away walking back home
And he just looked down ran too me

"I love you Anya Everding" he said looking into my eyes.

At that moment I felt my heart drop it was beating so fast and loud I was afraid he could hear it pounding.

"Chuck" I said look up at his dark brown eyes

"Well?" He said looking deeply down into my eyes

"" I said as I remembered something meanwhile I dossed off

"What?" he said so confused

"Remember when you asked me in the first day we met" I said still shocked at that moment

"When you said why is it so hard for me to let people in, do you remember that" I said looking at him in the eyes while I put the empty box off my left hand and switched it over with the flowers.

"Yeah... I remember, but why do you bring it up after 4 years?" He said looking so deep into my eyes I was worried he could see my soul

As I let go of his hand, taking the bracelet off , left the flowers on the wooden bench along with the bracelet.

I looked at him and said "I have a black soul" then walked away, without looking back

Every day I look back and remember that moment, Chuck meant more to me than anything in my whole life, but no matter what light he brought into my life nothing would ever change the fact that I was born and raised a black soul.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2016 ⏰

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