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We got ready for the party.
Connor was still out of it. I wasn't sure this was a good idea. "Con?" I said, as he was fixing his hair.
"Hmm?" He looked over at me. His bright green eyes weren't bright. They were dull and clouded over with sadness.
I walked closer to him and wrapped my arms around his waist from behind. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" I said. I didn't want him to drink away his problems. That's destructive. I don't want him to destroy himself.
"I don't care if it's a good idea. I just want to attempt to have some fun." He said, looking at me through the mirror.
I sighed. "Okay then are you ready?"
He nodded and turned to look at me. "I guess."

We got to the party, it was already in full swing. We weren't over dressed, so I told my mom we were just spending the night at Ricky's so she won't get suspicious. She's not a fan of me going to parties.
Nobody knew Connor and I were dating, because he didn't want everyone to know yet. But when we got there, he intertwined our fingers and pulled me with him for a drink. I took one, but he took a few shots, before taking an actual drink.
Lily came up to us, noticed our hands and smiled. She was a bit tipsy but not over the top. "You guys! I knew it." She smiled.
I blushed and looked at Connor. He looked a bit happier and nodded.
A few more people came up to us, and I few more drinks were downed. Connor was wasted. I had some drinks in me but I wasn't drunk or tipsy.
Connor gasped. "I.. This song!! Dance wif me." He stumbled to the living room where the music was playing.
I laughed and put my hand on his waist to steady him. He giggled up at me and wrapped his arms around me pulling himself close to me. "You're pretty." He attempted to whisper, giggling slightly.
"Thank you." I nodded, as we danced to the music.
He pressed his lips to mine, and the song changed. He didn't pull away though, he deepened it, pulling me closer, until he had to pull back to breathe. He pulled me to the couch and gently pushed me down on it, so I was sitting. He got up on my lap, so he was straddling my hips. He kissed me again, this time grinding his hips against mine to the beat of the music.
I knew this was wrong. He's drunk I can't take advantage of him. But he was so in control and it was hot. He trailed his hands down my chest as he ground against my hips, our lips attached in a messy make out kiss. When his hands reached the bottom of my shirt, I pulled back. "Con.. Stop." I panted.
He pouted and kissed my jaw. "But Troyeeeee." He whined, still grinding against me. It took everything in me not to respond to that.
"Let's dance." I suggested.
He got off me and I saw his eyes trail down to my prominent bludge, which he caused.
He giggled and pulled me up, pushing himself close to me. "Someone xcited." He chuckled, wrapping his arms around me. He was so drunk it was hard to make out what he was saying.
I blushed and looked down at him as he moved closer to me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Lilly watching us, oh shit had she been watching us the whole time?
I looked at Connors glazed over eyes, he was so drunk. "Hey con. Hey, look at me." I put my hands on his cheeks and made him look at me.
He smiled at me lazily. "I wanget 'nuver drink." He slurred.
I shook my head. "You've had enough drinks." I said.
"Mmmkay." He smiled and pulled me closer, swaying to the music.
"Hey guys!" Joey came up to us. He was extremely drunk too.
"Joey" I smiled, nodding.
Connor stared at Joey for a bit, before smiling. "Hi" he said.
"So are you two dating finally?" He said.
I nodded and looked at Connor, he stumbled and almost fell, but I was holding him so he was okay.
The rest of the night consisted of a few more drinks, I had one more, and only let Connor have 2 or 3 more, I don't want him to get alcohol poisoning or something. People asking us if we're dating, Connor grinding on me a lot, which I'm definitely not complaining about, and me making sure Connor gets to sleep. We did stay the night at Ricky's because I was tipsy and didn't want to drive. We went to a guest bedroom in his house.

The next morning I woke up to Connor groaning. Last night before he got in bed, I put a bucket, water and aspirin on the table beside the bed. I heard Connor heave into the bucket, and slowly opened my eyes. I had a pretty bad headache too, I can only imagine what his feels like.
I moved over to him and rubbed his back as he took the aspirin.
He looked over at me afterwards, before laying down, pulling me with him, and laying with his head on my chest. He looked me over, then himself, realizing we're both barely wearing anything, just our boxers. "Did we.. Y'know.." He said, his voice sounded rough and he blushed.
I shook my head. "I wouldn't do that to you." I kissed his forehead.
We lay there for a bit, before he looked up at me. "Can we go home? I'd rather cuddle in a bed I'm used to." He said.
I nodded and slowly sat up. "Get dressed and we'll go."
So he did, and we were driving home, but I pulled into Starbucks first, ordering him a coffee and something small to eat. He thanked me, and surprisingly took a big bite of his muffin. I grinned and drove home. When we got there, we both said a brief hello to my mom, and made our way upstairs. I didn't want her to smell my clothes, because there was for sure the stench of alcohol on them. When we got to my room, Connor put his coffee on the desk, then walked to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth, probably to get rid of the taste of vomit from this morning, then came back to my room and collapsed in bed, hands reaching towards me. "Come cuddle." He whined.
I laughed and made my way over to the bed, laying beside him as he pulled me close. We took a small nap, getting woken up by my phone ringing. I looked around, slightly confused, before grabbing my phone. Lilly.
I answered it and slowly put it against my ear. "..'Lo?" I mumbled.
"Oh my god Troye, I wanted to talk to you on a more sober term" she laughed.
"Oh." I chuckled, at that, since my chest was moving, Connor opened his eyes to glare at me. "Sorry" I whispered to him, rubbing his back.
"So you and Connor finally huh? Is he there right now??" She sounded so excited.
"Um yeah.. He's here all the time." I chuckled, nobody knew that he was, in fact, living here part time, while his mom figured their stuff out.
"Oh my god. You're so cute! I totally called it" she said.
I laughed again, and Connor frowned. "Stop moving" he whined, cuddling closer to me. "Pillows aren't supposed to move." He mumbled, but it was loud enough for Lilly to hear.
"Ohhhh put me on speaker." She said, so I did, putting the phone on speaker, as I trailed my hand up and down Connors back.
"'Kay you're on speaker." I said.
"CONNOR!" She squealed.
"So loud." He muttered, chuckling lightly.
"Sorry. But why didn't you tell me?! I called it. I fucking knew it would happen." She said.
"Yeah, yeah." He laughed.
"Can I come over? I wanna see my Tronnor in action." She said.
"Tronnor?" We both said at the same time.
"Yeah. Troye.. Connor. Tronnor. Duh." She said.
"Right. Uh, well how about you come over one day after school, we're both pretty tired and Con's extremely hungover." I said.
"Oh okay." She sounded disappointed. "But yeah, I definitely believe that he's hungover. He drank so much." She laughed. "I have pics of last night. He was sooooo drunk." She laughed.
"Yeah, I regret it." He chuckled.
I grinned. "Okay, see ya tomorrow at school, Lil." I said, before hanging up and resuming my cuddles with Connor.
I looked down at him. You could honestly tell he was hungover. But somehow he made it work, and if I'm being completely honest it was kind of sexy.
"I faintly remember basically giving you a lap dance. Did that really happen?" He looked up at me.
I grinned at him, and chuckled. "Yes."
He blushed and his his face in my chest again.
"Don't worry, it was good" I whispered.
"Oh yeah sure. I'm sure my drunken grind against your hips really turned you on." He said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
"Yeah, actually, it really did." I said, looking at him.
He blushed again and looked up at me. He pressed another kiss to my lips, pulling himself closer to me.
I smiled slightly and wrapped and arm around his neck as he kissed me.
After he pulled back, he sat up. "Uh, I'm gonna go take a shower" he said.
I sat up too, as he stood up, and just nodded. "Okay. I'll be here." He was still standing there, so I looked over at him, raising an eyebrow.
"D-do you want to... Come with me?" He blushed.
I was surprised, and guess it showed in my face because he was taking back his word. "Yes. I'll join you." I smiled.
He smiled back, shyly and we made our way to the bathroom.

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