It Wasn't

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If you made it this far congratulations, this chapter marks the beginning of the end. Everything will make sense in this chapters and a few more. I'm planning on doing about three to four more chaps. I don't know yet. I'll just have to go with the flow.
Again a Thank-You~
Yours truly,

Tony refused to answer her. No matter how much she pestered him, he changed the subject or lied to her. She wanted to know what Kaeli meant.

Or maybe it was the fact that she didn't like that they shared a secret...No...

The first time the thought came to her she ignored it. Telling herself that it was ridiculous.

"The two of us is enough" Tony had said when Lena told him that she wanted Kaeli back. But just the two of them, no matter how much she secretly liked it, were like a puzzle missing a piece. The picture was never really completed.

The news spread like wildfire. Word on newspapers, Internet and even magazines. It was ridiculous. It was catastrophic.

Tony's father had an affair with his secretary. The lovable Senator, nominee for the title of the ideal 'Family Guy', cheated on his beautiful wife for his secretary. It was unbearably cliche.

Not surprisingly Tony's house was in chaos. His mother moved away to live with her parents for a while. Tony stayed.

"I couldn't bear to leave you all alone here, right?" Tony had said when Lena asked him why he didn't go with his mom.

He refused to go out of his room during spring break.
It was only two days after the revelation and into spring break.
Tony who was outgoing, friendlier than a puppy, the boy who always had a smile on his face was fading away. The seperation(not quite a divorce), took a great toll on Tony.

The father he adored like a god, now seemed to him the most mortal of man.

Lena was there for Tony as much as she could. She went over to his house after school everyday. Lena was worried, there was no twinkle in his eyes anymore. It was fading. Tony was fading.

But Lena was helping.

On the fourth day into spring break, Lena was with Tony in his room. His door swung open, a hesitant Kaeli stood there, with uncertainty.

Lena watched as Tony spring from his bed, she watched as the twinkle seemed to return to his eyes lighting up his face. She watched as he enveloped Kaeli into his arms, his face buried in her neck. Lena noticed he was shaking.

"Kaeli I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry" Tony kept saying, hands around Kaeli's waist, face against her neck and slightly shaking. Kaeli felt her eyes close a little, her arms circled around his broad shoulders. Not quite reaching but enough.

"What the hell?...why would you do that? Why did you do that to me?. You have no idea what I've been through you doofus" Kaeli's voice was shaky.

It wasn't that they forgot the fact that Lena was still in the room. They were just caught up in their reconciliation. However neither of them noticed when she walked out of the room. Neither of them noticed the silent tears that were dripping down her cheeks.

More importantly Lena understood. From the time Kaeli came in, from the way Tony's eyes lighted up as soon as he saw her. Their embrace...

It took Lena one year to realize she was in love with Tony, but it took her years to realize that Tony had fallen in love with Kaeli within the first few minutes they had met.

She couldn't help but remember Tony's word when she told him that she was worried that they wouldn't be able to repair their friendship with Kaeli.

"Everything is going to be okay" he had said.

But everything wasn't. It wasn't okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2016 ⏰

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