Chapter Fifteen // Hesitation

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Sadie's POV

I felt like death when I woke up the next morning. My head was killing me, and the queasiness in my lower stomach would not subside. I felt horrible for waking Chase up last night knowing he had a long day ahead of him, but the way he made sure I was okay awoken something deep in my heart.

I fluttered my eyes open only to be met with a pair of rich chocolate ones. Chase smiled at me and I swear I felt butterfly wings fluttering in my tummy. "How are you feeling?" His voice was a whisper, but I could hear his genuine concern.

"Like death," I scrunched my nose up and held my stomach, afraid that any movement would make me sick again.

Chase laughed, leaning forward and kissed my nose. The small gesture reminded me of the old Chase again, and I couldn't help but think that I finally got him back.

Maybe I should test the waters with a truth bomb.

"Chase, we need to talk," his smile didn't falter like it would have, anyones would disappear at those words.

"I'm not going anywhere."

"I really hope you don't." I bit my lip, averting my eyes as I tried to think of how I was going to tell Chase that I was pregnant. In the end I realized I couldn't, and I was shocked that he could tell.

"Hey," he tilted my chin so I was looking at him, "I really mean it, I'm not going anywhere." Could he hear how fast my heart was beating at this very moment? Chase leaned in, his eyes flickering between my eyes and my lips like he was going to kiss me.

I gasp the moment his lips touched mine, so sweet, so tender, and still so new even though we've done this countless of times. His hand cupped my face, his thumb rubbing against my cheek as he deepened the kiss. I felt myself falling the moment his tongue captured mine, everything that I was worried about melted away at this moment and I never wanted it to stop.

Somewhere in the room, his phone started to go off. He groaned, breaking the kiss and leaning his forehead against mine, "Sadie?"

"Hmm?" His lips were on mine again, like he couldn't get enough, and honestly I couldn't either.

"Go out on a date with me?"

I broke the kiss, "what?"

Chase gave a sheepish grin and shrugged, "go out on a date with me." I gave him a 'you're crazy look' and he just laughed. "C'mon on, it will be fun... and we need to start over kinda. Let me be the man I never was for you." I lost my breath at those words. Saying he wasn't man enough was one thing, but owning up to it? "And we can talk at dinner. No interruptions. Just you and me."

I looked at his smile and thought about how I should tell him now that I'm pregnant, but on the other hand, he has a full day of racing ahead of him and it can wait. I'm not sure how he would take the news and I couldn't be the reason why he had a horrible race (even though he will be in a Cup car tomorrow, today is when it counts the most).

"Please?" My hesitation caused his smile to falter, so I pressed forward and kissed him.
"Sounds perfect."

I just have to get through today and hopefully by the end of the night, he'll know. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?


*A/N* - Since racing season is back on - I hope to have a update every week - no promises but I'll certainly try! <3 

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