Grojband-The Movie

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Grojband and the Newmans were just about leave until the Mayor stopped them. He shouted, "stop right there troublemakers, someone let me know that you guys like joined forces to do uber evil things!" Corey said, "well we're not so... see ya'." Mayor Mellow said"oh you're not going anywhere until we find out what you guys were planning to do." Carrie said,"we're joining forces to help Grojband find their bassist." Mayor Mellow questioned," now why should I believe you?" Corey shouted,"do you see our bassist with us right now?!" Mayor Mellow said,"true but you don't have evidence, you're not leaving."

( Annoying Mayor transition)

Laney walked out of her house with a suitcase and bass on her back. She slowly walked into her car with her parents sitting at the front, her mum asked,"you sure you don't want to say goodbye to your friends." Laney replied,"yeah I'm sure." Then they started driving to the airport.

(Wicked cool transition)

Trina walked down the stairs, the two bands were glaring at her, she did an evil smirk, she said, "now you can't like get your guy band member back which means it's like the end of garbage-band. BAM!" Everyone just stared at her, Corey spoke up and said," you're the one who called the mayor and LIED?" Trina just smirked, Carrie said," this is why my sister MINA always hated you." Trina stood there shocked and asked with a wavery voice,"Mina,Mina, h..hated me?" Carrie replied,"yes she did, she would always come home crying saying that you always treat her like a slave and she hated it." Trina was just standing there paralysed, she never realised that Mina hated her, she knew she treated her like a slave but she thought that Mina liked it. Suddenly Trina did the unexpected, she walked up to the mayor and said,"I like lied to you, those two bands are like innocent so like let them go NOW!" The Mayor listened and let the bands go, and Corey asked,"ummmmm Trina can we have a ride?" Trina replies," like never in like 5-ever will I like let you maggots go in my car Pink-tastic." Corey had tears in his eyes and asked," please Trina, I need to see Lanes, please Trina, I need you." Trina gasped, (pretend that we are back in Trina's mind) Katrina and Trina are facing each other. Katrina said," come on Trina your brother just said he needs you, you know he'll be heartbroken without Laney." Trina replies,"so what, I don't even like care." Katrina said,"yes you do, you're just not showing it." Trina just stood there, her head hung low, "but I don't want to become Katrina again," she said with a quiver in her voice. Katrina just smiled and said," you won't you're still Trina, but you're just helping your brother." With that she left (we're out of Trina's mind) and she said to Corey,"like whatever and junk you can come, but only like this time." Corey hugged her, at first she was disgusted but then hugged back, they all hopped into the car and drove to Laney's house.

(Sweet sister transition)

When they got to Laney's house, they ran to the front door and knocked vigororously, no answer, then they found a note stuck on. Corey read ," Dear Grojband, might already know I'm moving to London, i'm sorry for not telling you, I just didn't want to worry you guys. First I have something to say to you all, Kon, I think you're one of the best friends a girl could, have. You're sweet and even though I seem like I hate all your jokes I think they're pretty funny, so keep rocking on the drums. Kin, I love all your inventions, I think they are actually pretty cool and you mmust've worked really hard, why do you think I'm willing to pay you $2 everyday, keep playing the keyboard, you're great at it. Finally, Core, I don'tknow what you think of me since I confessed to you, you might hate me, get weirded out, but I don't care I just want to say I really care, about you and I'm sorry for moving, keep riffing on the guitar. Love Laney Penn.

(Wicked cool transition)

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