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I stood on the rooftop awaiting my opponent. My head spun with everything that had happened in the past 9 months.

I had lost everyone I cared for. I was about to battle the Flash. The one who gave me these powers of super-speed. The one I thought would always love me. He was my best friend, my brother. But he gave that up when he decided that he would rather be the only speedster than have a sister. I had worked with him under the alias....Rapid. I shook my head not wanting to bring back the painful memories. I adjusted my mask. I knew that he didn't know it was me yet. His sister. He thought I was someone wannabe speedster. There was a blur of color and the air filled with electricity. I readied myself.

His voice echoed through the air.

"I see you have decided to face your problems, Rapid" he spoke

"We don't have to do this...we can worm together." I said masking my own voice

"Your so ignorant." He spat "There can only be one speedster of Central City."

"It doesn't have to be like that." I said no I pleaded. I didn't want to fight my own brother.

"So normal for a girl to want to back out of a fight." He snarled

"You have no idea what i have been through. All the fights i have had to get where i am today." I snapped back

"Where you are today? Trying to steal my place in Central City." He growled

I stopped talking and ran. I ran down the side of the building. I could feel him following me. The building across from us was glass and you could see the blue sparks trailed by yellow ones.

His hand grabbed for me but missed. I shot forward and ran to were it all started.

S.T.A.R. Labs.

I am not trying to make Barry the villain here. This is at least 9 months after Lacie got turned into Rapid and that was after Barry got turned into the Flash. You are going to have to continue to read if you want to know why Barry got this way.

I am also sorry that this was a really short chapter.

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