Well you can say that i live a good life as others may say or put it that way. I was never the type of child to disobey or never listen to my parents, I was sweet and kind and and very smart also.I remeber it like it was yesterday my exam to go into highschool, I studied really hard for this and ofcourse i do',mean to brag but i did really well and got into the school. i had to wait for elementary school to be done ,in the meanwhile i mostly stayed home and played video games or watched tv, i never liked sleeping during the day but i always fell asleep. There was this one girl who i had a crush on and we were in the same class, she always would come ansd say hi but i was shy like really shy,so i would just wave. So i gathered all my courage to ask her out on a date but turns out she had a boyfriend so i got declined and also felt like an idiot, oh yeah her name was bridget by the way.