so as you know,i've been telling you about my life but lets move on to the best part.My bestfriends i mean wow,they are the most unpredictable awesome guys youll ever meet,but you know everygroup has it's faults ,we critiscise to much and share our opinion which is good if its's a good opinion but bad which is the stuff we do ,but enough about me how are you guys .(reply in the comments).See that sneakly little word play i did there ,so i was telling you guys about my life which is not so awesome at the moment,i got suspended,it's one of those days where people decide to do shit , sorry for the language but they just do, so earlier today,ofcourse you know there are the goodie to shoes or the rotten apples i'd say im in between them both.They decided to set of the fire alarm but the person who did is from my class and he did it during a class!!!! and get it his name is Daniel,so i was like DAMNN Daniel!!! and the whole class roard up in laughter while everyone continued to talk simultaneously, then i heard the dreaded words of a students whose between bad and good.Go to the principal's office!.