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"Muffin! Wake up!" My mummy yelled.

"One minute!" I yelled.

It was my first day of school and I wasn't ready.

I got up and went to my shower.

I washed up and put on my make up

It looked sexy I can admit that.

My name is Avery not muffin, I'm 17 years old. I have brown hair and light blue/ green eyes.

I put on my black crop to and my splatter paint tights on. I put on my black combat boots and ran down stairs. It was 9:00 and I was late. Oh shit. I grabbed a piece of bacon off the table and ran out the door.

I made it to school and went to the office.

"Avery sangaro?" She said my last name wrong but I nodded my head and she handed me my schedule for the day.

"Can I get my locker code please". I smiled and she told me what it was.

I ran down the hall and unlocked my locker.

I put my stuff in and went to class.

I opened the door and everyone was in there seats.

"Avery Sengaro?" My female teacher asked.

I nodded.

"Your seat is next to Luke over there, OH! But let me introduce you first. Class this is Avery, tell us about yourself." She smiled, I like her already.

"We'll my name is Avery, I'm 17 years old. My favorite color is black and my father....well hi to you all..." I waved with my head down.

I sat down next to this guy with piercingly and tattoos. He had very brown hair, and cute dimples. I giggled at his dimples. But what caught my eyes the most was his.They were two colors, one blue, one brown.

That's when he turned to look at me.

I quickly turned my head and hung it. My cheeks were burning in embarrassment.

"Why does everyone fucking stare...?" He mumbled, but looking away.

"I'm sorry... I just...I just really like your eyes." My face getting a brighter red.

When the bell rang I left the room as soon as possible, I banged my head against my locker.

"I don't think that's how you open a locker....." This unfamiliar voice said.

I looked up to see a blonde boy with blue bright eyes.

"Oh....I just... My locker got stuck?...." I told him, my voice sounded like more of a question.

"Oh... My name is Niall"... My eyes were closed the whole time when he was talking.

I opened my eyes to look at him.

"Wow your eyes are really p- never mind I'll see you later." with that he left me alone... next to a dented locker.

"Thank you, Niall". I shouted and waved goodbye. I knew wouldn't see.

I had English next and I didn't even know that I was staring at the wall, I just made it to the class before the second bell went off, scaring the shit out of me.

I walked in and took a seat.

Class was going on and I was lost in thought, wondering about that boy I met a while ago. His eyes were describable in so many ways, beautiful..... unique... I could go one forever and that "Niall" guy-.... That's when some one yelled my name.

"4!!!" I jumped.

Everyone laughed at me.

I face palmed myself and looked up.

" I asked why Christopher Columbus wanted to sail....." He looked confused.

"Oh... To find new land". He nodded an was about to continue before the next bell rang, everyone didn't wait and take their time to get up... they bolted and I on the other hand took my sweet time thinking about the beautiful boy I had met moments ago.

When I was STILL deep in thought I bumped into something hard and fell. I looked up and saw the unique eyed boy again. That's my new nickname for him until I figure out what his real name might be.

"Sorry...." I said embarrassed....

"Let me help you." He helped me up and shook my hand." I'm Luke" he smiled. OHHHH.... I'm stupid they said his name in that other class.

"Im....I'm I'm I'm" I stuttered.

He laughed and spoke "I know who you are". He smiled.

"Yo Johnson!!!" This caramel eyed boy yelled from down the hall.

"Ugh.... I'll see you around, love".His accent filled the nasty school air.


I walked home and saw Luke go into a house across mine.

He spotted me and waved.

I waved and went inside and flopped on my bed.

What a day....

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