Chapter: 3

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° InuYasha x Reader °


Key meaning: Y/n = Your name


I was about to knock on the side door of the house, when suddenly I spotted a small building that was shut closed.

" Hmmm...That looks pretty interesting." I said to myself as I walked to the small building.

Once I got to the building, I knocked on the door to see if anyone was inside. There was no voices, so I decided to just go inside and explore.

Once I opened the door I noticed that the whole place was clean, so obviously someone has recently been in this building.

' I wonder if I'm supposed to be in here. Maybe I should just lea...'

" Look at that. " Again I distracted myself with something that looks interesting. I ran to this old looking well thing. It had moss running along the sides of it. I looked inside of the well, to see darkness. Yup this looks boring.

" Okay" I said to myself. " Maybe this wasn't that interesting." I said as I walked somewhere else to find some other things to look at.

" Y/n." I hear a creepy voice call my name. I quickly turn my head around to see who said my name. However, I saw no one.

I shrug my shoulders, and continue to mess with some shiny, pinkish jewel I found on the floor by the well.

" Y/n. Y/n. " I hear the voice call over and over again, making me turn around to see who is calling my name. However, when I turn around I see nothing, so I go back to playing with with the pinkish jewel.

" Y/n. Y/n. Y/n." Dang this person is getting on my nerves, if it wants to talk to me it might as well just be there when I turn around instead of just disappearing.

" Ouch! What was that for?" I shouted as I felt a hard object hit the back of my head. I quickly turn around to yell at the person who hit my head, however I don't say a word once I saw who was the person - I mean more like thing - that hit me.

I stared wide eyed at a dark black figure that stood beside the well.

" Y/n, come over here with me. Oh and don't forget to bring that little jewel you have in your hand." The dark figure commanded looking in my direction, well I think it was at least.

I look down at the pink jewel that was in my hand and took a deep breath. Without another hesitation I walked towards the dark figure, somehow feeling like I had to obey it.

" Good Y/n." The figure says once I got to the well. " Now all you have to do is go inside."

" Yes, sir." I responded as I go in front of the well, looking inside to only see darkness.

When I am about jump inside the well, a door is suddenly slamed open. However, I don't waste my time on turning around to see who opened the door. I feel like I have to get inside this well. I feel like this well will lead to something very important.

" Y/n!" A worried voice shouts. "Stop!" I slowly turn my head towards the door only to see Kagome standing there with a frighten expression on her face.

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