Chapter 1 - A New Friend

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"They're back!" Maggie's voice called from the look-out tower.

Rick looked up to see her wave excitedly and then turn to run down the stairs. He dropped his basket of corn cobs unceremoniously on the ground and ran towards the gate as well.

The sight of Glenn's battered pick-up truck followed by Daryl's motorcycle filled him with sweet relief. They were supposed to be back yesterday morning.

Supply runs took longer than expected more often than not, so it didn't do any good to worry until there was good reason. Still, the people left behind at the prison had started feeling anxious about this wait. The weather had turned cold a few weeks ago and a higher number of walkers than usual seemed to be in the area.

Rick started to pull the gate open and Maggie rushed to help him. Glenn drove the truck on through the gate and up towards the parking area. Rick spotted Michonne riding shotgun.

"Everything alright?" Rick asked Daryl as he slowed his motorcycle to greet his friends.

"Yeah. Got messy there for a bit, but it's alright," Daryl said, "We got a good haul."

Rick and Maggie followed Daryl up the hill to where others were already helping to unload the truck. Rick passed them and went to the side of the truck where Michonne was taking her time getting out.

"Hey, it's good to see you back in one piece," Rick greeted her with a smile, "Run into trouble out there?"

Michonne was moving slowly, which was a little strange, and she kept one arm wrapped around her stomach.

"Where's Carl?" she asked, finally looking up at Rick.

"He's inside, reading," Rick frowned, "You okay? Michonne, are you hurt?"

"I'm okay," she said, "Could you go get Carl for me?"

"Alright, sure," Rick agreed, wondering what was going on but knowing Michonne wouldn't explain until she was good and ready.

He set off at a jog to fetch his son.

Carl was stretched out on his bed, writing in one of the workbooks that Carol had all of the kids studying. He'd resisted at first, of course. Eventually he realized that he didn't mind it that much. Filling out a couple pages of math or reading was a good enough break from working in the garden.

"Carl," Rick got his attention, "They're back."

Carl looked up, automatically worried that something was wrong, but saw that Rick was smiling at him.

"Michonne's asking for you," Rick informed him, "I think she has something for you."

"What is it?" Carl jumped up excitedly, all thoughts of schoolwork promptly forgotten.

"I don't know. She wouldn't tell me anything," Rick said wryly.

"Well, let's go!" Carl pushed past his dad and ran off to meet his friend.

Rick followed close behind. A small voice told him to stop running around the prison like an excited kid, so he let Carl run ahead, but not too far as he didn't want to be left out of whatever was going on.

"Hey!" Carl slowed to a stop in front of Michonne, who was waiting by the truck, an unreadable smile on her face.

"Hey yourself," she returned, one arm still wrapped awkwardly around her stomach.

"Dad said you got me something?" Carl asked a little hesitantly. He felt like it might be too rude to ask for a present right when she got back. Still, he was dying of curiosity.

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