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Their eyes met in a split second after Yuu's beautiful face appeared, the princess's cheeks bursting aflame at the sight of such an alluring prince. Since when did such gorgeous people exist? He had no idea, but he didn't care.

"A pleasure to meet you, my lady." he began with the usual charming smile and bow, extending a hand to grasp Yuu's, lifting it up and pressing a kiss to the back of it gently before letting go and standing back up.

"Uh, yes, yes of course, Prince Takashima." he was in a dreamy daze after that small token of affection, the raven's heart beating madly in his chest as he continued to rudely stare at the honey blonde beauty before him. The prince was no different either. He suddenly thanked his mother mentally for forcing him to come here, rejoicing silently at this treasure he had found! And yet, the rumors still plagued his mind. What if he lost his chance? What if the princess wasn't interested?

No! No more questions! Prince Takashima wanted to slap himself for putting his confidence at risk, so he stood straight and smirked at the princess, who was currently dying inside, and just from a small smile! He couldn't believe it! And now with the prince staring at him in the silence this way, with that damned smirk of his, Yuu suddenly felt overly self conscious. He fervently smoothed out the front of his dress and pulled his long hair over his shoulder, hands folded together and his lips curving into a small smile as well.

"Well, now that you two have been aquatinted; Yuu? Take him to the dining room please? There is a meal prepared for both of you while you get to know each other more." his mother appeared from behind one of the three staircases in the entrance room, her red painted lips twisting upwards into smile as she motioned to the two large doors leading into the large, luxury dining room, her long dress trailing behind her as she left the room to the two obviously love struck boys. Kouyou had no idea though. Sure, he'd heard rumors about the princess actually being a man, but someone so beautiful surely couldn't be a man. So Kouyou happily continued towards Yuu, who was currently still frozen in place, the sudden shock from seeing someone so beautiful in such a long time clearly left him in a daze. But he snapped out of it when he felt the prince intertwine their arms, leaning him where Yuu's mother directed them to go.

"The long sought after Princess Yuu... You're just as breathtaking as the rumors told, and even more so in person." He began cooly, eyes fluttering down to look at Yuu, pink blush filling the raven's cheeks and gaze quickly averted.

"I wouldn't know..." Yuu began awkwardly, not caring to look up at the dashing Prince beside him. "I've never heard of your family name before. I didn't think another Japanese family lived here..." He trailed off softly, suddenly not feeling so alone anymore. Prince Takashima felt like home, with the way he spoke and how gentle he was with the raven, very much unlike the other English men who came in acting like they were the only ones that mattered, whining at every little thing that didn't go their way.

"I had no idea either! Until I was informed of another princess that lived nearby. I wasn't interested at first, of course, but you in particular seemed interesting. Especially since you're a man as well." Yuu gasped softly at that, his eyes wide and mouth open in shock. How did he know? No one knew he was a man until Yuu would scare off his suitors with a deep rumbling growl.

"H-How did you know?" He asked softly, never having met a man who found out so quickly before.

"Well, there are rumors, but no one believes them really. Except for the poor men whom you scared off." He laughed, opening the door respectfully for Yuu and allowing him into the dining room first before returning to his side. "A feisty princess you are, and a beautiful at that." The prince's compliments were making Yuu's heart pound wildly. He's heard every compliment under the sun and from every Prince who claimed he was the best sweet talker in all the land, but never has Yuu heard someone like Prince Takashima speak that way to him in such a genuine manner.

"You're really too kind..." He whispered shyly, looking away with a soft smile and took his seat across from the Prince, cheeks still a blushing pink color. The honey blonde noticed too, and rested his jaw in his palm, looking upon the raven beauty and smirking.

"I've never heard a rumor stating you were this cute. I guess somethings I'll have to find out for myself hm?" He mused aloud, causing Yuu to blush further. This man is such a flirt, very similar to the kind of people he met daily! But this Prince was so handsome and charming and had such a soothingly deep voice that Yuu couldn't resist when he was complimented in such a way!

The two enjoyed tea and a large plate of cookies and small cakes to share, the Prince hardly eating anything besides the sight of his new love interest before him currently piling his plate with one of each kind. He laughed at how cute it was and wondered what more this adorable little boy could do to win his heart.

As usual, the time Yuu was allowed to spend with each suitor was short. Thirty minutes was all that each man was allowed and Yuu was so sorry to see that time fly by so quickly. The Prince was informed by a guard set outside the room that his time was up and that he must leave immediately. Yuu frowned instantly and stood up from his seat, rushing over to the prince's side and locking their arms together again, something he has never done before when it was time to see off his suitors. The act didn't surprise him, especially since this man was different...

"I wish they had allowed you more time..." Yuu lamented, walking the blonde out himself, wanting to savor each second he had left to be with this charming young man. "But... I'm sure I'll see you again soon!" He smiled happily up at the Prince who in turn smiled back, nodding surely and stopping both of them when they arrived at the front doors.

"I'm sure as well. I don't think I want to spend any more time with any other princess." He commented smoothly, making Yuu turn into another mess of blush and stammers.

The two almost wrapped their arms around each other in a goodbye hug before the doors opened and the carriage driver appeared with a stern expression, taking the beautiful blonde away and bowing to the princess.

"Good day, my lady." And with that, Yuu's smile faded. The doors shut promptly behind the two and Yuu turned around, wishing over and over that maybe they'll get to see each other again. It was his choice to choose if he wanted someone or not, but things like this were tedious and required lots of special attention. Yuu had to be quick to speak to his mother. He had made his final choice.

My Princess, My Prince~ [Aoiha]Where stories live. Discover now