I'm Here

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A/N: I was looking for a good picture for the cover and was about to search something else to find one when I stumbled upon an ABSOLUTELY PERFECT picture.

And if you didn't read the description, there's a trigger warning for self harm and depression on this story.

Draco's POV:
I was staring, transfixed, at the fresh dark mark on my left forearm. I had no choice. I never wanted this. Now everyone will hate me even more. I feel disgusting just having this on my flesh, a reminder of everything wrong with me. Everything I've done to people who never deserved it. I hate it and I want it gone. I want it gone.


I slip my hand into the pocket of my robes and grab something heavy, something cold. I pull out the knife, light dancing across its silver surface, mocking me with its beauty. The chilling metal is already being dragged across my skin by the time the first tear falls.

Harry's POV:
Walking past moaning myrtle's bathroom, I hear a faint sobbing coming from inside, unlike the frequent wailing of the restroom's inhabitant. Slowly I make my way towards the far corner and stop dead in my tracks. The sobbing, now louder, seems to be coming from a slight figure slumped to the ground in from of a mirror. There's a small pool of blood on the floor surrounding them. A flash of silver flicks across the mirror, and as he goes to tear through his forearm, I recognize the huddled figure.

Draco Malfoy.

Not quite knowing what I'm doing, I lunge towards the slytherin, desperately hoping I can stop him in time.

Draco's POV:
I gave up trying to hold back my tears after the first few slashes. I can taste salt as they roll off my face, mixing with the blood spattered across the tiled floor. Just a little more and it will be gone. I will be free from the constant reminder of my flaws.

My body shudders as I go to stab the mutilated flesh where my dark mark used to be. I swing the knife down and brace for another wave of pain, but it never comes. Something, someone, has grabbed my wrist and tugged my by it into a warm embrace. Two sturdy arms are holding me close, as if hanging on for dear life. I lift my head and my gaze is met by a pair of big green eyes I wouldn't mind getting lost in.

Harry Potter.

I go slack and my knife drops to the floor as I sob into the other boy's robes, seeing no point in hiding my tears from him anymore.

Harry's POV:
My heart breaks as Draco looks up at me, his wide, searching grey eyes bloodshot from crying. I pull him even closer, resting his head on my chest as I sit down on the floor. We just sit there for a while as I murmur in Draco's ear, absent-mindedly running my fingers through his white blonde hair.

Neutral POV:
Draco's sobbing calms before Harry tends to his arm, then gently wrapping his arms around the shaking boy once again. Dinner comes and goes but the two remain in the same spot, each of them calmed and reassured by the other's presence. As Draco finally drifts off to sleep, the last thing he hears is Harry whispering softly to him.

"I'm here."

I'm Here-DrarryWhere stories live. Discover now